Main Point: In 2022, take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom. From sorrow to destiny is our destiny. For those who trust God in sorrow/trials the supernatural hand of God will bring victory.
Story of Moses:
Exodus 14: 8-31. A day of great deliverance. The hand of God open the Red Sea and the children of Israel were saved. Moses was destined for such a time as this.
Exodus 1:22, 2:1-4. The story of Moses begins in sorrow. As the pharaoh was trying to kill all the baby boys of the Israelites, Moses’s mother attempts to save Moses by giving up the child in hopes that he would have a chance to grow up.
Pastor’s Thoughts on the story of Moses:
The story of Moses is a beautiful story of deliverance from bondage.
The climax of this story is when Moses stands at the red sea and says “Fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord”
It was Moses’s destiny to stand in front of the water and lead the children of Israel out of bondage.
This story begins in sorrow. The reason Moses was in position to see the hand of God move supernaturally was that his mother was forced to float Moses down the river in hopes he would avoid death and live a better life.
At the moment when Moses’s mother was giving up her baby she did not know that Moses would deliver them from Egypt.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
There are very few if any stories in the Bible about reaching your Destiny in God’s Kingdom without some sorrows/trials along the way.
If you haven’t notice sorrows and the trials of life come and go whether you are a believer or not. The only difference between a believer and a non-believer is who you trust to bring you through the sorrows and trials of life.
When you never lose hope that God is with you in the sorrows/trials of life, then at some point you will see God’s hand move supernaturally for you.
Every one of you in this place, no matter your age or you skills/talents, are destined for greatness in God’s Kingdom.
It doesn’t matter what sorrows you are encountering or have encountered in your life.
If you trust God along your journey, no matter how difficult it gets, you will come out stronger in faith on the other side of each trial.