
The Shepherd Comforts and Protects

The Shepherd in the Psalm

April 25, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda • Psalm 23:4

Have you ever been somewhere and realized you were out of place? What about being out of place in a hard or difficult or dangerous situation? As we continue our series, The Shepherd in the Psalm, JP teaches us about the Shepherd’s presence and comfort as we walk with Him.


-In moments of trouble and in dark valleys, who you are with really matters.

-In times of trouble, God doesn’t always protect us (in a fallen world and on this side of death), but He does always promise to comfort us.

-The Shepherd is with us in dark valleys.

-Sheep are closest to their predators when they walk through valleys; however, they are even closer to their shepherd.

-You are either entering a valley, in a valley, or preparing for a valley.

-When you enter a valley it’s the starting line, not the finish.

-Sometimes sheep can’t see the Shepherd, but they follow the sheep who are following the Shepherd.

-You must keep going when you are in the valley. Put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Don’t isolate and tap out.

-We are protected by the Shepherd’s presence.

-We don’t talk enough about the reality that satan and his demons hate us and want to steal, kill, and destroy us.

-Make no mistake, satan will absolutely destroy you. You are no match for him. However, he is no match for your Shepherd. He is terrified of your Shepherd.

-If dependence is the goal, weakness is the advantage.

-If closeness to the Shepherd is the goal, then the valley is the advantage.

-Christians talk about our Dad and to our Dad. It’s theology and a relationship.

-We are comforted by the Shepherd’s presence.

-The rod is used for both protection and correction.

-The Word of God is our rod today...it protects and corrects us as we read it and apply it to our lives.

-The staff saves and directs.

-The Holy Spirit saves us and gives us direction.

-When you are looking for protection, proximity is everything.

-What would you do if you knew God was with you? From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible goes out of its way to show you that God is with you.

-It’s time to stop playing religious games and leaving the Shepherd at church on Sunday. Take Him with you everywhere you go.


-Suggested Scripture study: Psalm 23:4; John 16:33; 1 Peter 5:8; John 10:10; Ephesians 4:27; James 4:7; Ephesians 6:11-12; John 16:7; 1 Samuel 17:37-47

-Sermon: The Good Shepherd

-Book: A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller