
The Good Shepherd

The Shepherd in the Psalm

April 18, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda • Psalm 23:1–3

If you had to compare yourself to an animal, what animal would you choose? What about a sheep? When you think about a sheep, what comes to mind? As we start our new series, The Shepherd in the Psalm, JP teaches us about sheep and how God, our Good Shepherd, leads them.


-The sheep is the only animal in the animal kingdom without a defense mechanism.

-The Scripture compared and calls us, humans, one animal: sheep.

-The carrot that the enemy often dangles in front of us is freedom. We think we want it and can handle it, but in reality, it will kill us.

-Do you believe that you need to be under the care of someone? Scripture is clear that is how God made us to live.

-God, our good Shepherd, is in charge and we are not.

-Psalm 23 is one of the most well know and most referenced passages in all of Scripture.

-The Shepherd leads us to rest.

-Christianity is not an “I have to” faith, but an “I get to” faith.

-Sheep won’t rest unless they are free from fear, conflict, parasites & flies (worries & anxiety & things to do), and hunger.

-So many Christians have fears that are in exact opposition to God’s Word and His promises to us.

-Sheep are self destructive animals.

-If dependence is the goal, then your weakness is the advantage.

-The Shepherd leads us to restoration.

-Sheep are completely fine drinking from water that will kill them. And the reality is, so are we.

-You can not and will not grow as a follower of Jesus Christ without the spiritual disciplines.

-God delights in taking broken things and making them new.

-The person who is least OK is the one who is most committed to making everyone think they are OK.

-The Shepherd leads us to Righteousness.

-Christ, our Good Shepherd, has our best interests in mind. Always.

-When we follow God’s interests for our lives, His reputation is on the line, not ours. We can trust Him.

-God doesn’t only show us which way to go, He pays for the times when we go the wrong way.

-The greatest apologetic today are believers who trust God in really difficult times.

-Our desire for freedom and to be on our own transcends all ages and demographics. Left to ourselves, we will die.


-Suggested Scripture study: Psalm 23:1-3; Proverbs 14:12; Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 127:2; Jeremiah 2:13

-Book: A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller

-Sermon Series: Conflicted