
The Shepherd Provides

The Shepherd in the Psalm

May 2, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda • Psalm 23:5–6

Who is the most discontent person you know? What about the most content person you know? What do you think accounts for the difference between the two? As we finish our sermon series, The Shepherd in the Psalm, JP teaches us about how God, The Shepherd, Provides.


-The Shepherd provides peace.

-Your Shepherd never sleeps or slumbers. He’s always watching over you.

-The worst thing about hell might be the fact that you see what you are missing out on forever and ever and ever. It’s eternal FOMO (fear of missing out).

-The end of Psalm 23 is like a giant exhale. It’s the reality that the sheep will be with the shepherd forever.

-The Shepherd provides contentment.

-So often, our biggest enemy is in-between our ears. It’s all the thoughts spinning in our head.

-Why do we have a scarce mentality?

-The Shepherd is our provision.

-It’s not just that the Shepherd provides. That is true, but it’s incomplete. Everything we need is found in Him.

-When you meet Jesus someday, will you know Him, or will He be a stranger to you?

-If you don’t acknowledge you will spend eternity in heaven or hell, you are simply fooling yourself and being a fool by making this world your home.

-The greatest thing you can do every single day for the rest of your life is to live fully surrendered to your Shepherd.

-Much sooner than you think you will die and meet God face to face and face judgment.

-Make no mistake, one day Jesus is coming back. Don’t be diluted by the things that you see, touch, and feel right now.


-Suggested Scripture Study: Psalm 23:5-6; Psalm 121:1-4; Luke 16:22-23; Psalm 16:5; Luke 12:35-37; Isaiah 53:5-6; Psalm 100:3;

-Sermon: The Shepherd Comforts and Protects

-Sermon: The Good Shepherd