
3/24/23 Devotional

Colossians 3:12-14

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 

13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 

14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.


The point of the devotional for this week is for us to realize God's love for us. I should have warned you that this is ultimately impossible because God’s love is too great for us to fully understand. That is good news though- that is the Gospel. We might never be able to fully understand God’s love for us, but we can understand how it affects us and what it requires of us. We are called to love like God loved us and even more than that we are called to love first.

In this study, I included all of the verses from the previous days of this week because it’s important to see what Paul is saying here. We are called to compassion, kindness, humility, patience, and forgiveness, but that ALL comes from love. The secret formula here is that if you start with love, all of these other things will follow. However, I understand that this is simple to say and not so easy to do. God understands this too because he shows us how to love by loving us first.

God’s people did not deserve his compassion when they worshiped Idols days after being rescued out of Egypt. God’s people did not deserve his kindness when they chose a human king named Saul to lead them instead of God himself. God’s people did not deserve the humility and gentleness of Jesus that came and lived among us knowing he would be killed by the people he showed grace to. God’s people do not deserve his patience when, even after the resurrection of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit, we choose ourselves over him. We do not deserve any of these things, but God gifts them to us because he loved us first while we were still sinners. 

God chooses to love us abundantly and then asks us to do the same for each other. We are called to love others and that looks like compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. It’s all bound together by love.

Renewal Challenge- Realize God’s Love

Reflect on God’s love for you.

Thank him for it and ask him to help you love others better.

Do these two things over and over today. As often as you can say “Thank you for your love, Lord. Help me to love others in the same way.”