
4/5/23 Devotional

Week 6- Day 3

Scripture: Scripture: Colossians 2:20

20 You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world…

Colossians 4:5

6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Being a Christian means that you are free. Do you understand your freedom? Freedom in Christ means that when choosing who you want to be and how you want to act you get to choose to lean on Christ. Your own abilities in this life do not limit you, instead, you can lean on Christ trusting that he will grow you and not leave you. This means that when being prepared for what the world has for you, you are capable of more than you know. You have the freedom to walk with Christ and when you do you will become the best version of yourself. 

In this world we are often defined by what we do and, well... it makes sense, doesn’t it? If someone is a loyal, upstanding member of society then they are rewarded by being defined by that and if someone is a criminal they are, for the most part, justly punished by being defined by that. If the goal of a society is primarily just to preserve itself then this all makes a lot of logical sense. What about a community that has Jesus at the center though? 

If you know who Paul is then it won't surprise you to hear that this man was a murderer. We know by his writing that he considers himself the chief of sinners and yet he is the one writing the very letters that churches across the world use to worship God. How can this be? When Christ is the defining part of your identity then his identity takes over. This isn’t easy though. Those who follow Jesus are called to die to themselves and take up the cross. We are called to give ourselves over to his way of life and recognize our own sin, because here is the truth- we are all guilty and in need of help.

This freedom will prepare us for whatever we are called to because it will help us see the world the way it truly is. When we are encountering people who don’t know Christ the gospel will help us serve them by reminding us that we are no better. When we encounter other Christians the knowledge of who we are will help us keep each other humble and propel us to heights greater than any human can go on their own. Knowing who we are will allow us the freedom to be who we are meant to be. 

Be prepared by your freedom

For this exercise I want you to say two self-affirming statements to help you realize your freedom. If it helps to write these down then feel free to do so. 

“I am a new creation in Christ and I am capable of great things that glorify the Lord”.

“I am no better and no less than any other person. I simply know that I need Christ and that knowledge sets me free”.