
4/6/23 Devotional

Week 6- Day 4

Colossians 3:12-14

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 

13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 

14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

In our week devoted to realizing God’s love for us, we talked through these verses in detail with some challenges associated with them. Today we are going to take these verses and use them to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead. Putting on the right clothes matter and this is our opportunity to prepare by putting on the right attitude. 

I’m involved in a podcast through Estero Church called “Connect Grow Serve” and it has been a blessing to Pastor Mike and me as we have been able to grow in it together. Over the past several weeks we have been talking about the process of renewal with Jesus and what that actually looks like. In one session we talked about this verse and I really liked the way Mike explained it in his words. He said, “ Putting on love means that when you walk in the room the first thing people will see and feel will be love from you”. 

How powerful and challenging that statement is for us, but I have no doubt in my mind that this was the way it was when Jesus walked into a room. It did make me think a lot about what people sense from me when I walk into a room though. On the hard days, I would guess it might come off as anxiety, impatience, exhaustion, and indifference. I imagine it is the same for many of us, but when we are not intentionally “putting on” the good things, people see the bad things. It’s so important that we are intentionally trying to put on love. 

So if we want people to see these things from us we have to prepare by putting them on. One of the best ways to realize this in your own life is by calling to mind these characteristics from people you already know and respect. The exercise for today will be a little bit longer than other days, but it will be a good opportunity to put on what matters. 

Prepare with love

Grab a pen and paper or a word processor. For each of the qualities listed below, call one person to mind that reminds you of them.

If you can’t think of people then feel free to use fictional characters to fill in the gaps. The point of the exercise is to give us a place to start and let's be honest- no one except Jesus is perfect. Once you have these people list them out like the example below.

"Compassion- Sarah,

Kindness- Scott,

Humility- Steve,

Gentleness- Emily,

Patience- Barb"

Now write down or consider what they do or how they act that makes you think they represent these traits. The next part is the cool part. Going forward when you are in a situation where you feel like one of these is required I want you to think about how the person you listed would respond. Calling these people to mind will give you a place to start as we try to love others well.