
4/7/23 Devotional

Week 6 Day 5

Colossians 3:16-17

16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. 17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.

As Easter Sunday approaches I want to ask you one simple question- Are you prepared? This season we have provided a devotional, podcast, and sermon series dedicated to the idea that we need to prepare our hearts for easter and allow God to work within us. Prepared for what though?

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Easter? Practically it helps us remember the important event that happened of course, but what does it do for our relationship with Jesus? What does it do for us?

The point of celebrating Easter is to worship God and remind us who we are. We are God’s people. Rooted in Jesus, freed by his gift, focused on his message, loved without reservation, chosen while we were still sinners, and prepared to live as his children. We are his and he is ours.

So when the story of Easter comes it is time for us to understand how monumental this gift was. It not only provided a way for us to be reconciled with the father, but it also allowed us to be a part of his story as we are grafted into the family of God.

Being part of the story means we can welcome others into the family. How amazing is that?  Easter is when we celebrate the coming of our King. King Jesus who announced God’s Kingdom, invited us to help build it and took his place beside the father as ruler over all things Heaven and on Earth.

Prepare with worship.

Worship God today. Today simply thank him for who he is and what he did for you. Take time to experience him in a way that gives you life. That could be a walk outside, worship music in the car, prayer, or reading scripture. 

The last challenge I have for you is to make a plan to continue meeting God daily.

This might have been your first devotional this year or your first devotional ever. Now is the best time to make a plan to continue meeting with God daily. Make a plan by setting an alarm or reminder to read scripture and pray with God every day. Start small with a few minutes, but just spend this time being with God and preparing yourself for life with him each day. If you want a suggestion you can start with the Gospel of John. There are also a whole host of excellent devotionals on the “YouVersion” Bible app available for free. 

I sincerely thank you for reading the devotional and taking the time to further your relationship with Jesus. If you have any questions or would like to talk further please feel free to reach out to me. - Pastor Chris