
4/3/23 Devotional

Week 6- Day 1

Scripture: Colossians 2-6 

2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. 5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

In this last week of the devotional, I want to spend some time talking about our past five weeks and how we can use what we talked about to be prepared for what lies ahead. Have you ever had an event in your life that you spent time overpreparing for? I am a chronic over-preparer. If there is something that I want to do I will commit to it and then spend time preparing myself so I look like I know what I’m doing. My first time out offshore fishing, I was pretty nervous. That might sound silly to you, but growing up in a family that didn’t fish meant that I didn’t know how any of it worked. So I jumped in my default mode of overpreparing. In the days ahead I spent time watching videos of how properly utilize various reals, what I should wear, what I should bring, and how to bait. I even wanted to know what kind of fish we were going to be around. 

When we got there I met the captain and he was a really chill guy and I knew right away that our day was going to be a lot of fun. For those of us who were new, he gave us a 30-second lesson and then baited our hooks for us all day. It was pretty much impossible to mess it up and the only person who caught more fish than I did that day, was my dad and it was also his first time. He caught a huge kingfish and we even ended up with a great fishing story about the sea monster that got away. However, because I overprepared I was ready for any kind of captain that could have shown up that day. 

Here is some not-so-surprising news for you- You will have opportunities to share your faith in your life after you finish this devotional and now that I have told you, you can’t say you didn’t see it coming. Knowing it is coming is a blessing though because it allows us to be prepared. Yes, it won’t be exactly what you think it is, but it will allow you to be ready when the time comes and like my fishing trip, I promise it won’t be as hard as you tell yourself it is. 

Be prepared 

Paul’s advice here is straightforward when it comes to being prepared so today start with these things. First, pray that God would open doors for you to share your faith and pray that what you share would be clear. Second, he says that we have to be wise in the way we act to outsiders. The first step to faith sharing is treating other people well before we ever get to that conversation. Third, he encourages us to let our conversation be full of grace.  

Your first task in being prepared is simple: Pray that God would open doors for you. My advice here would be if you are thinking on the inside thoughts like “ I don’t actually want this to work” then pray a prayer more like “God open doors for me to share my faith and open my heart to share with others.” It’s never a bad time to let God work on your heart in the process.