
3/30/23 Devotional

Week 5- Day 4

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


What is your calling? When I was in seminary there was some required reading that changed how I viewed my life. The book is called “The Call” by Os Guinness. The central idea of the book is that we all have both a primary and a secondary calling in our lives. Now typically we think our calling is our career or family status right? We assume that God is calling us to specific  job roles and family roles in order to be everything that God wants us to be. Os Guinness proposes a different way to look at this calling. 

The primary calling for every Christian is the same. That is right- no matter who you are, what job you have, or your family status you have the same calling as me. Our central and primary calling is to God and to the gospel. Everything else is secondary. This was interesting to read in a room full of current and potential pastors because we have all felt a certain calling and together realize that the calling to be a pastor is a secondary calling.

This is important to realize because it puts us all on an even playing field, but it also gives us freedom in our secondary calling. This is an incredible truth: you can do your primary calling no matter what your other callings are. If you feel like you are waiting for a calling, or you missed a job or relationship, or you're not in the right line of work- God STILL calls you to the primary purpose. “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

The truth for me is that I don’t always know that I will be a pastor. My secondary calling could change and that would have its own areas to be processed, but my primary calling to serve God would still be the same. This is the same for you. Perhaps your value resides in the status you have, a career you have achieved, or in being a parent. When those things change it is difficult to process, but you can find comfort in knowing that your primary calling doesn’t change.

Renewal Challenge- Realize you’re chosen 

Let’s orient ourselves today. 

“What is important to you?” Answer this question by writing it down on paper or a word processor or even just list it verbally. Be as exhaustive as you want or as simple as you want, but answer this question before moving on. 

Chances are good for most of us, that “ Sharing the Gospel and worshiping God” or something like that wasn't something we added enthusiastically if at all. That's okay because we can ask God for help.

Today take time to pray that God would help you understand your Primary calling to follow him first. Remind yourself of this truth going forward when anxious about your career, status, or role in your life.