
3/29/23 Devotional

Week 5- Day 3

Colossians 3:16

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.


At the time of writing this, the Asbury Awakening is in full swing. If you don’t know what that is I encourage you to look it up, but the president of Asbury, Dr. Timothy Tennant defines a church awakening as: “where God begins to stir and awaken people up from their spiritual slumber.” Christians at Asbury University have been meeting for weeks on end now to pray together, listen to hear teaching, and then fundamentally worship God with music. 

A couple of days ago I went on the Asbury awakening live stream to see it in action and it was beautiful to behold so many people worshiping God with everything that they have through song. Of course like anything else, some people didn’t agree. On the Live Stream, there were Christians in the chat calling this kind of worship an act of the devil. These were people that believed that appropriate worship of God should not involve that kind of emotion, instruments, or style of music. While it initially made me mad to read these comments and I wanted to jump to correct them, it eventually just made my heart sad.

God is worthy of worship. That’s a fact that all Christians know and the text for today calls us to musical worship, but we of course disagree on what that music should sound like. I’ve been in churches will all types of music that glorified God. I have sung classic hymns that brought me to tears, once I heard spoken word poetry that made me more in awe of God than ever before, and I’ve been in dark sanctuaries with high production that made me connect with God in a way that changed my heart for worship. 

As a musician, I have respect for many forms of worship, but of course like you, I have my preferences. Above all what I am certain of is that God can be glorified with any type of music if the right heart is behind it. God is bigger than our preferences and that is SUCH good news because God demands our worship. We were chosen to worship him. 

Renewal Challenge- Realize you’re chosen

You have been chosen to worship God. He is worthy of our worship. Today I want you to do two things. 

First I want you to worship God with your preferred worship music. Do this throughout the whole day if you can. If you frequently do this consider changing it up and worshiping God this way in a different place. 

Secondly, I want you to pray for the church. Pray that God would continue to be worshiped in all types of music. Pray that his name would be glorified through all styles and that your heart would grateful for all types of people worshiping God.