
3/27/23 Devotional

Week 5- Day 1

Colossians 3:15

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

What does it mean to have the peace of Christ rule in the heart of the church?

This devotional is a good opportunity for us to be honest with ourselves. Ask yourself honestly right now- do you feel at peace with all fellow believers? And not just those that are in your individual church, but with believers that you might not know. My guess is that the answer for you is the same as it is for me- I don’t feel that peace completely. 

What do we do about the fact that there isn’t peace? The easy option is to just convince ourselves that it is the fault of the other side, but of course, this leads to more division which leads to fewer people drawn to the family of God. Now more than ever people are turning away from religion. 29% of all adults are not affiliated with any religion, but the number is much great at 42% for just young adults (18-34). In other studies, people that have turned away from the faith cite that one of the top reasons is an increasingly politicized and divided community. I believe that has been largely affected by our public displays of strife. Who wants to be a part of a family that is publicly showing so much hatred toward itself and others? 

Before we move on to what we should do, let me address the elephant in the room. Whatever we do in seeking peace should not come at the cost of our faith. That being said there is a reason that Jesus had both a tax collector working for Rome and a Jewish freedom fighter in his 12 closest friends. Jesus cares more about relationships. 

Jesus calls us to do the same thing he did. We are meant to be at peace with fellow believers who see things differently, and I am calling on us to be willing to take the first step just like Jesus did. We are called to seek peace with fellow believers and while this may seem hard it is also good news! In Paul's day, he is not calling believers to divide themselves up- how awful would that be? Rather he is calling us to peace and that is wonderful news.

Renewal Challenge- Realize you’re chosen

You are chosen for peace. Taking the first step toward peace isn’t easy it requires prayer, thoughtfulness, and time. Today I simply encourage you to pray for peace in the church a few times today. Pray that God would allow you to seek healthy peace when controversy comes up. 

Set a timer, sticky note, alarm, or whatever reminder works for you, and do this a few more times today. When the reminder comes up just ask God to bring peace to his church. Pray for peaceful leaders and support for peaceful solutions.