
3/31/23 Devotional

Week 5- Day 5

Colossians 3:18-19

18 Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.

19 Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.


In my short 5 years as a pastor, I have taught many controversial passages and this is not the first time I have had the chance to talk about these specific verses. Honestly, I like teaching the hard stuff, because it’s sadly taught improperly so often. This passage is important because it demonstrates Jesus calling to us as we try to renew ourselves. 

The whole point of Paul’s letter is encouragement and correction. He is writing as a trusted leader to a specific group of people that are dealing with specific problems 2,000 years ago. The context for this letter is important because it should play into how we read it. At this point in time, women had almost no rights in Roman and Jewish culture. They were more or less considered property to many people and often less than full members of society legally. Put yourself in this context and now read this passage. What Paul is saying is actually revolutionary for the time. He calls husbands to love their wives! Love? “Who cares about love? Why would God care that we Love our wives?” God does. Paul is calling husbands to love their wives in the same way Jesus loves the church!

So what about submitting to the husband? This can be a challenging passage, but let’s talk about what this is NOT saying. It’s NOT saying that the wife should allow the husband to do anything he wants simply because he’s the man. In fact, the submittal to the husband should only depend on the husband doing his part- actually loving his wife well. And what does that look like- how does a husband love his wife well? It’s the same way Jesus loves the church well and that is self-sacrifice. I don't have to tell you that that is a huge calling and should cause us all to pause and recognize what that actually means. Jesus gave up everything and died for the church.

The focus in these passages is never “who has more power? Or “who can win the argument?” The focus is always on “how can both the wife and husband live in sacrificial harmony?” In this context, Paul is asking these women to submit to loving husbands and then asking husbands to sacrifice everything for their wives out of love. 

The Church is the bride of Christ and we are called to submit to our loving husband, Jesus. We are called to submit to the one who humbled himself and gave everything for us because he is our savior, King Jesus. Focus on King Jesus today. 

Renewal Challenge- Focus on Christ 

What is one thing in your heart right now that you need to be willing to submit? For some, it will be anger, pride, laziness, or gossip. For others, it might be something like fear or prejudice. Pray that God would reveal that part of your heart that you haven’t given up to him yet. 

Take your time with this and write it down a piece of paper. Be as specific as you want to be. 

It might look like “My anger about my father” or “ My prejudice against x”. Then pray that Jesus would take it from you. As you are praying this tear it up and give it over to him.