
28th March 2024


March 28, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will. John 5v3


In his life on earth, Jesus said, that he could do nothing on his own. He could only do what the Father told him to do. The will of the father was his greatest desire and will and very important to him. In the same way, we too have to know that we should seek the Father’s will for our lives.


Yes, there are many things we desire and want in this life. However, as we pray and ask the Father, we must know that it is His will that matters for our life. He knows what we have need of in our life. He has planned our life and orders our footsteps (we who are righteous) so he will only allow what is good for our lives each day. We get very upset and disappointed when we pray and do not get an answer. God knows what’s best for us. He will not give us what is not good for us. Sometimes, he even knows that we cannot handle what we are asking for. His will for us is perfect.


We pray, we confess, we declare, we call forth and we call on the word of God for things in our life. We have to do all of this as it is part of our faith walk. Every good and perfect gift comes from our Father of life with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning. Yet, we need to know that his will for our life is best.



Father, we commit our way to you and you direct our path.

We know that you want the best for us and you know everything about our lives. You are the Alpha and the Omega, so you know the end from the beginning. We rest in you and trust in you, knowing that you have perfect knowledge of what is best for our lives.

Holy Spirit help us to wait as we are in expectation of a manifestation in our lives.

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