
31st March 2024


March 31, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Hebrews 7:25

for which reason also He is able to be saving completely and forever those who come to God through Him, being always alive for the purpose of continually making intercession for them.


Prayer is communion with God. Prayer is friendship with God. A friend is someone we communicate with, there is no restrictions in our communication with our friend, because we are relaxed when communicating with them. We have common interests and there is always something we can talk about.


It is the same with our heavenly Father, we are friends, we are Father and daughter/son, we never have to feel any restrictions when we are talking to our God. We can chat with Him about any subject. We can sit and complain to him and get advice from him at any time of the day or night. He gives us direction in life and he also gives us a warning of things to come so we are aware of the dangers in any area of our life. This friendship is made easy by the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He gave us the holy Spirit as our teacher and guide. The Holy Spirit teaches us to pray and he opens the door in our hearts to speak to our heavenly Father. Please take advantage of this privilege. This privilege is given to every believer and our Heavenly Father waits on us to call on him. Please invite him in, He is waiting on you.


Jesus is our faithful high priest, he is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. What he is doing is preparing the way, talking on our behalf to the Father, so when we go to the Father, he has already been told about what we want to say so he is prepared and the answer is already given. Grace has already provided. Thank you, Jesus you are our Faithful prayer partner.



Jesus is our faithful high priest, he is our faithful prayer partner.

Prayer is my time with my heavenly Father.

I cherish this privilege of having a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

I am never lonely as I have someone to talk to every moment of everyday.

In my weakness, he is made strong and when I need comfort, the Holy Spirit comforts me.

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