
30th March 2024


Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing,

but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness. Prov 15v2


The working of God, through His spirit makes us people who are appealing because of our speech. We are trained to be wise and speak with discretion by the Holy Spirit. Gracious speech makes people listen when we speak. Wisdom from Jesus flows through us and as we yield to the Holy Spirit, this wisdom becomes a sought after gift in the market place. The wisdom of God in our lives, gives us discernment and as we walk this walk we learn when and how to speak. The anointing teaches us how to be a servant and when to speak with authority to silence the devil.


We are gentle as lamb, however we are as wise as serpents, knowing when to speak and when not to speak. We speak with love when needed and we address devils and demons with authority when we need to. We are the servants of the Most High God, like Stephen in the book of acts, they were not able to withstand his speech as he spoke with the intelligence of the Holy Spirit. That same intelligence and wisdom is in you. Give the Holy Spirit a chance in your life, become a servant in training. You are a king and a priest, know when to be a priest and when to be the king. The priest is in his prime when he is praying and interceding. The king knows that his words have power and when he speaks, things are established. He decrees a thing and it is established. A king knows who he is. Know your place so you speak a word in season to him who is weary at the right time and the right place. You are blessed.



I am anointed with power.

I have the unction to function in every circumstance.

The miraculous ability of God’s power works within me.

I speak the good news to the poor, declaring freedom from poverty.

I announce deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind.

God has made me the voice of peace in the midst of the chaos in the market place.

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