
26th March 2024


March 26, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Zubeda Sing

Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Ezek 36v26


The holy Spirit comes into our lives to give us a change of heart. The above scripture tells us that it is God who gives us a new heart. In our own natural strength we are unable to have a change of heart, but by the power and strength of God he will renew our hearts. A heart to serve his people. A heart that receives the good news of the gospel and then goes out and shares it with others.


This new heart is the heart of the father, a heart filled with love and kindness, faith and love, good ground for God to work to bring forth fruit that will last. A heart that sees beyond the natural eye, being able to see people as God sees them. The compassion of God flows out of this new heart. It is not a natural heart that, that was made of stone, calloused from the pain of disappointment and betrayal, no it is a heart of flesh recreated by God in this new creation man. Give the holy Spirit a chance to work on your heart today. Let him give you a heart of flesh that comes from our heavenly father that you will walk with his love and compassion by the power of the spirit of God. The desire of your heart changes when you allow him to work in you daily.



Holy Spirit come and renew my heart and fill my heart with your compassion and love.

I yield to you and the workings of God so I can become the man/woman you have called me to be. The pain of yesterday fills my old heart so I am in need of a touch from you to renew me so I have your desires and will in my life.

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