
25th March 2024


March 25, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. Col. 3v15


The fruit of peace, is an incredible antidote to chaos and the drama of this world. Every one of us has the ability to create a storm just by our attitude or a wrong word at the wrong time. The enemy will try his very best to cause us to be annoyed or frustrated so we can gender strife. At this juncture, I would like to implore you, please do not give in to the desire to start a fight or speak words that will cause dissention and discord. Refuse to give in.


Be a carrier and dispenser of peace. The peace of God surpasses all human understanding. If you have to walk into a room that is charged with anger and chaos, you be the calm the room needs. The presence of God in you will settle the atmosphere. You be still and know our God will diffuse the situation just by your presence in that place. When asked for your opinion in this situation, select your words carefully and ask the holy spirit to help you speak choice and graceful words at this time. Jesus said he came to give us his peace, not the peace the world gives. Today, be a promoter of peace.



Thank you, Jesus, you have made me a peace maker.

I am a carrier of your peace, my feet are shod with the gospel of peace.

Jesus, you are my peace and everlasting security.

The peace of God, which is beyond human understanding, guards my heart and mind in Jesus Christ.

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