
20th March 2024


March 20, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Yet there were many Jewish leaders who believed in Jesus, but because they feared the Pharisees they kept it secret, so they wouldn’t be ostracized by the assembly of the Jews. For they loved the glory that men could give them rather than the glory that came from God!. John 12v42


We are so world conscious we fail to see what God has in store for us. The reward for serving far excess the frustration of greatness. When you have the applause of men, you have to keep performing so you maintain the status quo. Yet with God, he accepts us just the way we are, no pretending or performing needed.


Oh, how we spend so much time on working on things that will bring us to a place where we receive recognition by men. The applause of men sounds wonderful in our ears, but this is not long lasting. Ask any famous person how long their fame lasts or what price they have to pay for this fame. Please do not fall victim to the cry of fame and greatness. In the eyes of God you are already great. You have giftings and callings that men would die for, yet you have not even explored them yet. God called you even before the foundations of the earth. He formed you in your mother’s womb. Greatness lies within you, the route to this greatness is different to the world’s system. There is a time and place that your greatness will attract the attention of men, however this is not what you work for. In the eyes of God you are his beloved son/daughter. You may not have actual physical security guards but you walk around with a host of angels protecting you. You have internal intelligence that the world can never compare with, because the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you. You have wisdom from on high so you are prepared for every moment. You have strength and power greater than any army on the earth as you can speak the name of Jesus and everything will come to a standstill. You are never alone, because our Father says he will never leave you nor forsake you. You have a grandstand of fans, goodness and mercy follows you all the days of your life. you are famous in heaven. Serve gladly in silence and God who sees will reward you openly.



I am an ambassador of Christ. I represent my heavenly father here on this earth. I am not my own. I belong to God, I am his beloved so everything about me has been recorded in heaven so I have been assigned angels to fulfill my portfolio here on earth. I am covered with his blood so I am protected from all harm and danger. I have an audience in heaven, that celebrates my life of salvation, they are all standing in the grandstands of heaven, cheering me on. I choose servanthood instead of greatness.

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