
18th March 2024


March 18, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5v39


Hello, you mean I must accept the slap and then turn and give my other cheek also. You have got to be crazy, I will not be taken advantage of, nor will I be a doormat. Well, that is a justifiable response, considering our present world and the need for conforming to the right appearances before men. Yet that is not how Jesus works. We are called to be his servants. In this God life we have been called to serve. When serving we represent our master, Jesus Christ. We are his representative and also ambassadors for Christ. The secret to this life is, an ambassador when sent to another country, even though he is in another country, he is not subject to the laws of that country. He has diplomatic immunity. What does that mean. It means the law of that land is not what he lives by. He lives by the laws of his own country. He is not even subject to the economy of that country.


We are citizens of heaven, we enjoy diplomatic immunity. We do not have to be subject to the economy of this world. No we are sowers of into the kingdom of God so we reap the benefits of overflow and abundance because that economy never fails. Our God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and all the silver and gold are his. So as his sons and daughters we live in the abundance and we suffer no lack, we live in a no lack zone. Now do you understand why you are asked to turn the other cheek. It is merely yielding to the holy spirit to change your character, into the character of God. you are now transformed into Christ-likeness which benefits you to enjoy the goodness of God. when you know him and his presence, nothing in this world can stop you. You do not suffer wrong when you give in to God, you are promoted to great and mighty things.



Holy Spirit I yield to you so you can make me more and more like Jesus. Jesus lived on earth, yet he enjoyed the benefits of heaven. He said he could call down a host of angels to help him at any time, yet he chose to suffer. We stand in his stead and we have the name of Jesus, we have the blood and we have the word of God to overcome any situation in this life.

Turning the other cheek is not a loss to me but a gain for the kingdom of God.

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