
Living Faith: The Book of James

01. Joy and Suffering

September 1, 2019

James begins his book with a discussion of trials, because living faith is seen in unique ways in the midst of suffering. He wants us to understand that it is actually possible, through faith, to count trials as joy without pretending they don't hurt. And he teaches us how by showing us what trials look like, what they produce, and how these things lead to actual joy that runs deeper than the pain of trials. Application Questions 1. What are some of the multi-colored trials you have experienced or are experiencing? Have you seen those trials produce more endurance in you? 2. When you imagine yourself “lacking nothing,” what images pop into your head? How does that teach you what you think life is about? 3. What will it look like for you to “count it all joy” when you face trials this week?

02. Navigating Suffering

September 8, 2019

As we try to navigate life in our fallen world, we are constantly confused by the situations we find ourselves in. We don't know what to do. We don't know where to turn. We don't even understand the reality of what's happening. Thankfully God gives us the lens of wisdomthrough whichto view the world, which provides clarity and an accurate picture of reality. But wisdom can seem like a difficult (if not impossible) virtue to attain. In our passage today, James teaches us the one sure-fire way we can all gain the wisdom we need. And the amazing thing is, it's a lot simpler than you'd think. Application Questions 1. In what situations or suffering do you currently need wisdom? 2. What can help you practically remember who you're talking to when praying? 3. How often do you simply ask God for wisdom? 4. What would it look like to take time to think and listen with the glasses of wisdom on? What keeps you from doing so? 5. What keeps you from acting in the confidence of wisdom?

03. Suffering and Eternity

September 15, 2019

James gives us examples of trials we face when he brings up“lowliness” : having little money, little power, and little social standing. He also discusses the rich, who enjoy more power, comfort, and respect. But James turns things upside down: he encourages the low to boast in their high position, and the rich to boast in their low position. He does it because he is aware of eternity, and what it holds for those who trust in Christ—and he wants us to be aware of it too. Application Questions 1. What are some things in your life that you boast in? 2. How could thinking of eternity change the way you look at your circumstances, whether “lowly” or “rich” ? 3. What are some ways you will be tempted to boast this week? How can you boast in Christ instead?

04. Sin and Temptation

September 22, 2019

Whenever we experience a trial, temptation always follows close on its heels. As a result, we tend to assume that the trial is the source of the temptation. Our kids'disobedience tempts us to be angry. The size of our home tempts us to discontentment. The response of our roommate tempts us to bitterness. But James teaches us that this is not where temptations ultimately come from. Temptation is caused by something far more internal. Application Questions 1. What do you tend to blame temptation on? What do you most often assume is the cause of your sinful thoughts, behaviors, or emotions? 2. What are some of the“over-desires” that most often fuel your self-serving choices? 3. How have you seen the indulgence in your temptations lead to death? 4. How is the gospel the key to remaining steadfast under trial? 5. How can you practically be reminded of the glory of the gospel in the moments when you face temptation?

05. The New Birth

October 6, 2019

James teaches us about the goodness of God, and how we often doubt it—especially in times of trial. When we look closely, we find ourselves caught up in a lie about God's goodness, and therefore caught in a web of control, anxiety, and distraction. But James teaches us the truth—God is good, all the way down—and shows us the evidence of that goodness: the new birth, though the gospel of Jesus Christ. Application Questions 1. What are ways you doubt God's goodness in your life? 2. What are some of the good gifts from God you see in your life? 3. How does it encourage you to know that God is unchanging? 4. How does the gospel and the new birth deal with your doubts about God's goodness for you? How can you bring that to bear on your life this week?

06. How to Grow

October 13, 2019

Anger in our hearts doesn't bring justice to our circumstances, nor does it produce godliness in our lives. The reason is that in our anger our hearts are not submitted to God above all. God's solution to this problem is for our hearts to receive His Word with a posture of humility, so that our lives can be transformed. Application Questions 1. What does anger look like in your life? Horizontal? Vertical? Hot? Cold? 2. How can you identify whether your anger is righteous or unrighteous? 3. Why does your posture towards the Word of God affect your posture towards others and your circumstances? 4. What would change in your life if your heart and life were submitted to God's Word?

07. Hearing and Doing

October 20, 2019

James teaches us that authentic Christian living is based on humbly receiving what God has said in his word. But how do you know if that's what you're doing? James shows us that receiving God's word means not just hearing it, but putting it into practice in our lives, such that we see a lifestyle that mirrors God's values and priorities. Application Questions 1. Why do you think it's so tempting to hear what God says but not do it? What are some ways we rationalize it? 2. What does it look like for God's Word to function as a mirror in your life? How could you practically grow in remembering that throughout the day? 3. Why do you think James included our words, our relationship to the needy, and our relationship to worldly values as part of“true religion” ? Which comes the easiest to you and which is the most challenging? 4. How does the gospel teach us that Jesus'commands are a “law of liberty” ? How does that motivate you to be a doer and not just a hearer in all of these things?

08. No Partiality

October 27, 2019

When we think of“worldliness” we normally think about drunkenness or adultery. But James shows us that worldliness also means living according to the world's system of showing partiality. But showing partiality on the basis of wealth, or race, or ethnicity, or able-bodyness, or nationality, is evil. It elevates the glory of the world and undermines the glory of God, and it undermines the power and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must repent and ask God to help us see people the way He sees people, made in His image, precious souls in need of a Savior. Application Questions 1. Where do you see partiality in your own heart? 2. How does partiality in your heart undermine the glory of Jesus? 3. In what ways are you more compelled by the glory of this world than the glory of Jesus? 4. How can the gospel of Jesus Christ destroy partiality in your heart?

09. The Law of Liberty

November 3, 2019

We all love others. As Christians we know it's our call to love our neighbor as ourselves. And all of us do so, one way or another. But James'concern here isn't that we might not be loving others, his concern is with the selection of who we choose to love. We tend to be selective with our love. We don't loveallof our neighbors as ourselves. We loveselectneighbors as ourselves. But in light of the gospel, under the law of liberty, God has a better way. Application Questions 1. Who can you point to as examples of people you are striving to“love as yourself” ? 2. In what ways might you be loving these people selectively, and conveniently avoiding loving others? 3. Do you tend to think of this kind of“selective love” as sin? If not, why not? 4. How does the gospel and the“law of liberty” motivate you to love others and show mercy without partiality?

10. How Faith Works

November 17, 2019

What is faith, and how does it work? James confronts us with a hard truth: faith without works is dead. And underneath his argument, he teaches us about the nature of faith. Far from something you just say, feel, or think, faith is a trusting response to God that always leads to a changed life. Application Questions 1. What are some different ways people define the word“faith” ? What do you think James would say to those different definitions? 2. Why do you think James wants so badly for us to know that faith without works is dead? 3. If faith never stops growing, how vibrant is your faith right now? Is there anywhere that God is calling you to grow that you are resisting or ignoring?

11. Faith and Self-Control

November 24, 2019

How can we bless God and curse mankind made in His image and likeness? James exposes the sinfulness and hypocrisy of our words, their power and destructiveness, and their need to be transformed by the gospel. Application Questions 1. What are some ways that you are too casual with your words? 2. How have you seen words in your life (yours or other's) be destructive? 3. Are there ways your tongue produces hypocrisy in your life? How? 4. How does the gospel, God's Word spoken to you, give you hope in this area of life?

12. Heavenly Wisdom

December 1, 2019

James looks closer at the genuine Christian life as he broaches the topic of wisdom. Who is wise, and how do you tell? While we often evaluate wisdom based on how much someone knows, James evaluates wisdom based on how someone acts. False wisdom might sound good, but it produces disorder and conflict in life. True wisdom produces a beautiful life that creates harmony and peace in life. When we see Jesus producing that peace and harmony in our own lives, at such personal cost, we learn to embrace true wisdom. Application Questions 1. How do you normally evaluate wisdom in yourself and others? How does that compare to the way James evaluates wisdom? 2. How do you see earthly wisdom at work in your life? Where do you experience jealousy, selfish ambition, and disorder? 3. How do you see heavenly wisdom at work in your life? Where do you experience meekness, peace, and humility? 4. How can you grow in heavenly wisdom by focusing on Jesus Christ? What would change practically in your life this week?

13. Understanding Conflict

December 8, 2019

Do you ever wonder what causes you to say the things you say and do the things you do when you're in the midst of a fight or an argument? In the moment, the cause of our problems always seems so clear. But James helps us take a step back from the emotions of interpersonal conflict in order to really see what's going on inside. Our hearts contribute in a unique way to the instances of interpersonal conflict we experience. And in our passage today, James not only helps us see the reality of the problem, but he gives us a clear path forward. Application Questions 1. What's an example of interpersonal conflict you've experienced recently? 2. What are you tempted to attribute this conflict to? 3. In light of today's passage, what was the actual cause of that conflict in your heart? What did you desire/covet that you weren't being given? 4. How could that conflict realistically have looked different if you had asked God for what you determined to take on your own? 5. How do you know that God a trustworthy place to turn to for your desires, whether he provides them when and how you would like or not?

14. Draw Near to God

December 15, 2019

James is about living faith—but what do you do when you aren't living your faith the way you should? In James 4:4-10, James confronts us with a truth about God's love that exposes how deep our sin runs. But then he points us to God's amazing grace, which leads us to repentance and newness of life. Application Questions 1. What does it mean to you that God loves you with the commitment and care of a good spouse? Is that different than the way you normally think about God's love? 2. What values, attitudes, and goals of the“world” do Christians often pursue in their lives? Why does James see this as spiritual adultery? 3. Do you feel as strongly as James does about worldliness in your own life? Why or why not? 4. In the middle of a strong rebuke, James says that“God gives more grace.” What does that teach you about what God is like? How could you live out vv. 7-10 in light of that grace this week?

15. Who Are You To Judge?

January 12, 2020

True Christian faith is lived out vertically (in relationship with God) and horizontally (in relationship with others). Judging others shows that we misunderstand who they are, who we are, and who God is. Application Questions 1. What are the subtle ways that you “speak evil against others” in your life? 2. What is the difference between “discernment" and "judging” ? 3. How does judgmentalism misunderstand who others are, who you are, and who God is?