
03. Suffering and Eternity

“Don’t forget where you’ll be forever.”

September 15, 2019

James gives us examples of trials we face when he brings up“lowliness” : having little money, little power, and little social standing. He also discusses the rich, who enjoy more power, comfort, and respect. But James turns things upside down: he encourages the low to boast in their high position, and the rich to boast in their low position. He does it because he is aware of eternity, and what it holds for those who trust in Christ—and he wants us to be aware of it too.

Application Questions

1. What are some things in your life that you boast in?
2. How could thinking of eternity change the way you look at your circumstances, whether “lowly” or “rich” ?
3. What are some ways you will be tempted to boast this week? How can you boast in Christ instead?