
01. Joy and Suffering

“Real joy can coexist with real trials in your real life.”

September 1, 2019

James begins his book with a discussion of trials, because living faith is seen in unique ways in the midst of suffering. He wants us to understand that it is actually possible, through faith, to count trials as joy without pretending they don't hurt. And he teaches us how by showing us what trials look like, what they produce, and how these things lead to actual joy that runs deeper than the pain of trials.

Application Questions

1. What are some of the multi-colored trials you have experienced or are experiencing? Have you seen those trials produce more endurance in you?
2. When you imagine yourself “lacking nothing,” what images pop into your head? How does that teach you what you think life is about?
3. What will it look like for you to “count it all joy” when you face trials this week?