
14. Draw Near to God

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”

December 15, 2019

James is about living faith—but what do you do when you aren't living your faith the way you should? In James 4:4-10, James confronts us with a truth about God's love that exposes how deep our sin runs. But then he points us to God's amazing grace, which leads us to repentance and newness of life.

Application Questions

1. What does it mean to you that God loves you with the commitment and care of a good spouse? Is that different than the way you normally think about God's love?
2. What values, attitudes, and goals of the“world” do Christians often pursue in their lives? Why does James see this as spiritual adultery?
3. Do you feel as strongly as James does about worldliness in your own life? Why or why not?
4. In the middle of a strong rebuke, James says that“God gives more grace.” What does that teach you about what God is like? How could you live out vv. 7-10 in light of that grace this week?