
December 20, 2020

Justice and Mercy

December 20, 2020 • Pastor Josh Kee

Main Idea: The goodness, stability, and endurance of our future is dependent on Jesus’ wise, just, and righteous kingship, without which there can be no peace. God’s zeal will see to it that Jesus is enthroned forever.

1. Jesus’ governance will be all-encompassing and never-diminishing (Eph. 2:7)
2. Jesus’ governance will fulfill God’s promise to David (Jer. 23:5; Is. 55:1-3; Matt. 1)
3. Jesus’ governance will bring enduring peace (Eph. 2:13-17; Rom. 5:1-2)
4. Jesus’ governance will be established and sustained by God (1 Peter 1:5)
5. Jesus’ governance will be just and righteous
6. Jesus’ governance will never end

• God is zealously committed to establishing Jesus as King overall, for his own glory, and for the good of those who look to Christ in faith. He is passionately committed to doing good to those who are in Christ and nothing can threaten or hinder his purposes. Every circumstance bows to Jesus’ kingly rule as God works it for our good (Colossians 1:11; Romans 8:28-29).
• Those who are in Christ can rest under his wisdom and kind rule as they entrust themselves to God in faith, trusting that He will zealously fulfill His promise.
• Those apart from Christ are left to their own wisdom to achieve peace for themselves, will end only in despair.
• The small baby in the Christmas manger is the enduring King who will rule with complete wisdom, justice, and righteousness, guaranteeing enduring peace for every citizen of his kingdom. We respond to this reality with awe, wonder, worship, and gratitude as we submit ourselves to Jesus our King.

Discussion Questions:
1. Has Christmas become too familiar? How can you keep the wonder of Christ’s incarnation fresh in the next week?
2. Whose wisdom do you rely on to navigate life? How does relying on our own wisdom (or counsel) lead to frustration and despair?
3. What circumstances cause you to question God’s “passionate commitment” to be good to you? Might some of your expectations be unrealistic, or even unbiblical?
4. What do think must happen in order for true peace to be experienced personally, corporately, communally, nationally? Why is Jesus’ kingship essential for true peace to be experienced? Are there any areas in which you’re placing too much hope in human wisdom and effort to bring about what only Jesus can accomplish?
5. Consider the fact that the experience of goodness and hope and joy and peace will increase eternally for those in Christ. How does that stir your worship now and your longings for Christ’s second coming?
6. Consider the fact that hopelessness and despair will increase eternally for those who are not in Christ. How does that motivate you to pray for and engage those who don’t know Christ?