
December 13, 2020

Justice & Mercy :: The Ultimate Birth Announcement

December 13, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Isaiah 9:6

December 13th 2020 - Justice & Mercy :: The Ultimate Birth Announcement
Passage: Isaiah 9:6
Theme: The Ultimate Birth Announcement

What this ultimate birth announcement tells us:

1. God provides a solution, a Son (6ab).
 In keeping with his word
 Through human means
 As an act of divine grace to us

2. God invests the Son with the authority to rule (6c).
 He alone possesses the power and authority of God to rule.
 He exercises this authority through his service for others.

3. God reveals himself through the Son (6d).
 Our mighty God is a wonderful planner.
 Our eternal Father is the prince of peace.

Main Idea: God enacts his justice and mercy through a Son born into our predicament to deliver us from it.

Application Questions:
• Look at Gen. 3:15 and 2 Sam. 7:12–16. What do these passages indicate about God’s solution for the predicament in which humanity and his people find themselves? How do Luke 2:11 and John 3:16 fit into this, and what do they indicate about this son that was born?
• What does the clause, “the government will be on his shoulders,” indicate about this son to be born? What applications can we make to our context today?
• How does Jesus reveal our mighty God as a wonderful planner?
• In what ways does Jesus bring about peace? Is this something that can be experienced now or something that awaits us in the future? Explain (cf. John 21:19–23).