
November 29, 2020

Justice and Mercy :: Light Has Dawned

November 29, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Isaiah 9:1–2

Theme: Light Has Dawned
Passage: Isaiah 9:1–2

Main Idea: The Coming of Jesus brings God’s merciful light.

1. God’s merciful light comes to those in greatest distress.

2. God’s merciful light demonstrates God keeps his word.

3. God’s merciful light shines for all the world to see.

Application Questions:

• From your own background and testimony of salvation, into what distress and predicament did God shine his mercy to save you?
• While this passage gives hope to those needing to experience God’s saving mercy, how might it still apply to your life, the life of a believer?
• How does this passage demonstrate that God keeps his word? In what ways do we still struggle today with looking to other sources for truth or direction (8:19–20)?
• In what ways can you apply the point that God shines his light for all the world to see to your life during this Christmas season?