
December 6, 2020

Justice & Mercy

December 6, 2020 • Pastor Josh Kee • Isaiah 9:3–5

Isaiah 9:3-5
Justice & Mercy Series

Main Idea: The depth of Christian joy is experienced by taking hold of God’s promise to, one day, thoroughly and definitively end every form of injustice and oppression caused by sin and to bring everyone who believes on Christ into his eternal joy.

1. The Light brings thriving (v. 3)
a. Where there has been barrenness, there will be fruitfulness (v. 3)
b. Where there has been sorrow, there will be joy (v. 3)
c. Where there has been lack, there will be abundance (v. 3)

2. The Light brings rest (v. 4)
a. The yoke of oppression will be irreparably shattered (v. 4a)
b. God will conquer the foes of his people by his own power and give them rest (v. 4b)

3. The Light brings victory (v. 5)
a. Every tool used to do violence and harm against God’s people will be burned
b. The most intimidating threats (past, present, and future) will be utterly devastation
c. God’s judgment against all that opposes his glory will be swift and final

Application: God’s unflinching promises have been spoken into actual darkness (suffering, pain, persecution, oppression, uncertainty, etc.). His people experience his joy by taking hold of those promises in the midst of this real darkness, confident that he will fulfill his promises and show his goodness to them at some point in the future.