
January 5, 2020

Series: Glory + Grace :: Transformation

January 5, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 1:1–18

Theme: Transformation
Passage: John 1:1–18

Main Idea: The person and work of Jesus transforms reality.

1. Incarnation: In Jesus, God became man (1:1–8; 14a).

2. Revelation: In Jesus, God completed his message for us (1:14b–18).

3. Illumination: In Jesus, God shines his light on and through his true children (9–13).

Takeaway: God sent Jesus to transform us so that we reveal his grace and glory. Do you? Do we?

Application Discussion and Questions:
• What does transformation mean? List and discuss the different things that undergo transformation in John 1:1–18.
• What puzzles you about the incarnation? Why did God choose to incarnate himself (list some of the things that Jesus accomplished through his work on earth)?
• In Jesus, what does God reveal about himself? How did God’s revelation change with Jesus? How does this impact what you do today?
• What does it mean to you that you are truly God’s child? How should this impact the choices that you make?
• How can you as an individual and we as a church display God’s glory through grace, just as he chose to reveal himself as grace and truth in Jesus?