
March 1, 2020

Series: Glory + Grace :: Transforming Faith

March 1, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 4:43–54

Theme: Transforming Faith
Passage: John 4:43–54

Contrasting Faiths seen in this story:

1. Faulty Faith:
a. A welcoming faith based on the works Jesus can do, not on who he truly is (45).
b. A desperate faith based on what Jesus can do for me in my present need or crisis (46–49).

2. Saving Faith-based simply on the word from the Word (50–53):
a. Believing the Word
b. Following the instructions by the Word
c. Experiencing Life from the Word
d. Further believing that bears fruit of belief in the Word

Main Idea: Those being transformed believe Jesus simply for who he is and follow what he commands with the result that they experience the life that he offers.

Application Questions:
• In what ways does a faulty faith that welcomes Jesus for what he can do manifest itself in our church-going culture today?
• How have you had at times a faulty faith that seeks Jesus for how he can meet a present need? What did this look like in what you did for God or how you responded to God?
• What are we to make of the two experiences of “believing” by the royal official (v. 50 and 53)? How might these affect our view of faith or help us define better what faith is in the life of a believer?