
February 23, 2020

Series: Glory + Grace :: Transformed Water, Worship, and Mission

February 23, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 4:1–42

Theme: Transformed Water, Worship, and Mission
Passage: John 4:1–42

Notice what his encounter with a Samaritan woman teaches us about Jesus:
1. Jesus provides water that eternally satisfies (7–14).
2. Jesus sees and knows our predicament (15–18).
3. Jesus represents the place in which true worship occurs (19–26).
4. Jesus calls his followers to see the mission field God has prepared for them (27–38).
5. Jesus truly is the Savior of the world (39–42).

Sermonic Theme: Those transformed by glory and grace focus their worship on God’s work through his Son by carrying out his mission of pointing any and all people to Jesus.

Application Questions:
• What stood out to you about Jesus from this story? How can you apply what you see of Jesus into your own life?
• What does Jesus’s statement about worship in vv. 19–24 teach us worship isn’t and is? How might this affect your own worship or involvement in corporate worship?
• Like the disciples (vv. 27–34), how are you blind at times to what is spiritually going on? In what ways does this passage convict you about your involvement in God’s mission?
• From this passage, what encourages you to carry out the mission of pointing people to Jesus?