
March 8, 2020

Series: Glory + Grace :: Transformed View of God’s Work

March 8, 2020 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • John 5:1–18

Theme: Transformed View of God’s Work
Passage: John 5:1–18

We need our view of God’s power transformed … (vv. 1–7)

…from religious superstition
…from our ability to make things happen
…to Jesus Christ as the center of God’s work (8–9)

Warning: We can miss the work God is doing by

1. Succumbing to outside pressure (10–15)
2. Trusting in traditional, idiosyncratic religious practice (16–18)

Main Idea: Those transformed by glory and grace demonstrate that God’s work centers on Jesus Christ by trusting and submitting to him.

Application Questions:
• In what ways can we as Christians be susceptible to religious superstition? How have you wrestled with these in your own life?
• Do you struggle with a trust in yourself to make things happen, even spiritually? How so?
• From this scene, how does one allow Jesus to be the center of God’s work in their own life?
• Why do you and I still struggle with succumbing to outside pressure in contrast to following the commands that Jesus calls us to?
• How do we still miss the work of God by trusting in traditional religious practices? What can we as individual believers and the church as a whole do to recognize and confront these tendencies?