
December 5, 2021

December 5, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Theme: Waiting in Submission
Passage: Luke 1:26–38

The birth announcement to Mary teaches us three truths about God’s grace that bring about corresponding responses in those faithful to God.

1. God’s grace transforms the ordinary into the privileged (26–29).

Mary’s Response: Waiting may include confusion and uncertainty.

2. God’s grace enables the accomplishment of His salvific plan (30–33).

Mary’s Response: Waiting may raise questions of “How?”

3. God’s grace requires acceptance of His miraculous work (34–38).

Mary’s Response: Waiting submits to God’s gracious call.

Main Idea: We are to submit our lives to serve God by allowing him to accomplish his supernatural work in and through us.

Application Questions:
• How would you describe Mary from the details about her and her actions in this passage? What does this teach you about your own “qualifications” to be called by God to serve Him?
• In what ways have you seen God’s grace transform the ordinary into the privileged in your life?
• What in your spiritual walk remains uncertain or confusing? How might this passage encourage you amid uncertainty or the unknown?
• What “How” questions have you recently thought towards God’s plan for your life? Have you found answers to these? If not, do you think answers are necessary?
• From her response at the end of the scene, how does Mary submit to God’s work in her life? What should this look like in your life today?

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