
December 19, 2021

December 19, 2021 • Pastor Josh Kee

Luke 2:36-38 Sermon Information
Title: "Anna: Waiting in the Shadows”

1. Anna
a. Exemplifies Jewish piety
i. strong Jewish credentials giving credibility to a Jewish audience
ii. Anticipates, with Simeon, the fulfilment of devotion to God by Jesus
b. Serves as the second witness to the validity of Christ’s identity (see. Deut. 19:15)
c. Balances the male/female witnesses surrounding Christ’s birth
d. Is enabled by the Spirit to perceive the identity of Jesus as Messiah
i. God is sovereign over the timing of the smallest detail
ii. Spiritual sight is a gift from God
e. Prophesies to those awaiting the redemption of Israel
2. Waiting in the Shadows
a. Requires patience (36-37a)
b. Entrusts all to God (36-37a)
c. Cherishes communion with God above all else; embraces faithfulness to God as the highest virtue (37b)
d. Perceives that which has true spiritual value (38)
e. Rejoices in God’s redemptive plan (38)
f. Requires an unhurried life

There is something glorious taking place in the unseen places of our lives. God sees what is done in secret and will reward those who live faithfully (though imperfectly) unto him.

Living faithfully in the waiting requires a radical reorientation to the Person and Work of Christ that disrupts for our ultimate good.

Discussion Questions:
1. What hopes have been most disappointed in your life? How have you responded to pain or disappointment in the past? Has it turned you from God or drawn you near to him?
2. Is your life marked by:
a. Frantic hurry, restlessness, pervasive stress, chronic chaos? OR
b. Peace, restfulness, contentment?
3. Where are you most restless or discontent in your life? Have you allowed unbiblical expectations to shape your hope, and therefore your joy?
4. What is the substance of your waiting (what/ who are you waiting for) and your rejoicing?
5. Do you see prayer and the spiritual disciplines as: 1) a task you must accomplish, or 2) a means by which you enjoy communion (intimate relationship) with God?
6. What does “radical reorientation” mean? What would it require for you to radically reorient your life to Christ in the coming year?
7. What resistance do you feel as you think about the cost of reorienting your life to Christ? Who can pray with/ for you in the areas you identify that require change?
8. How does the truth that God is with you as you seek to orient your life to Christ encourage you? How does the gospel give you courage to press forward in faith? (Is God’s pleasure over you or your security as his own dependent on you getting things just right?)
9. How often do you consider the glories of Christ’s kingdom? The implications of the work of Christ? The promises you stand to enjoy as a co-heir with Christ? Is your heart and mind fixated on earthly things or things belonging to Christ (Colossians 3:1-3)?
10. Read Matthew 11:28-30, Hebrews 2:10-18, and 5:7-10. How do these passages encourage you to keep running when you get “weary and fainthearted”? Are you expected to endure on your own? What role does the church play in your endurance?

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