
December 12, 2021

December 12, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff

Theme: Waiting with Expectancy
Passage: Luke 2:25–35

Waiting with expectancy ...

1. Yearns for God’s plan to be accomplished (25).

2. Comes with/from the filling of the Spirit (25c–32).

Those filled with the Spirit ...
a. Cling to the promises of God (26)
b. Focus on God’s work in their daily lives (27)
c. See God’s sovereign will and salvific work accomplished (28–32)

3. Includes outcomes we may not anticipate (33–35):

a. Division
b. Rejection
c. Revelation
d. Emotional suffering

Main Idea: Those who wait with expectancy surrender their lives to whatever use God may have for them, regardless of the outcome.

Application Questions:
• What do you yearn for in life? Can you say that you yearn for God’s plan to be accomplished? How is this yearning seen in your actions?
• What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit? From the example of Simeon, what characterizes a person filled with the Spirit? Do you see these characteristics in your life?
• Can we cultivate this type of yearning and filling of the Spirit in our lives? Why or why not?
• Why must the fulfillment of God’s plan include division, rejection, sobering revelation, and emotional suffering? How have you experienced these in your own life of following Christ? How does knowing these outcomes serve as an encouragement in your Christian walk?

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