
December 26, 2021

December 26, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Luke 2:41–52

Passage: Luke 2:41–52
Theme: Waiting with Focus

Those who wait with focus ...
1. Prioritize the things of God.
a. Regardless of age
b. Amid other religious endeavors
c. Over family commitments

2. Trust the timing of God.
a. By submitting to God-given authority
b. By allowing for God’s maturation process

Main Idea: Keeping our focus on God places us in the position to be used by God.

Application Questions:
• What draws your focus away from the things of God? Why do you think that this happens with such frequency?
• How can religious activity contribute to our losing focus on the things of God? What can be done to remedy that within your own life and also within the life of the church?
• How are the following seemingly contradictory statements both true: Waiting with focus prioritizes the things of God over family commitments, and waiting with focus trusts the timing of God by submitting to God-given authority (i.e., parents)?
• What is the next step in God’s maturation process for you? In looking at the focus of your life can you say that you are growing in spiritual maturity right now? How so? And, if not, what might you need to do to take that next step?

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