
November 28, 2021

November 28, 2021 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Luke 1:5–25

Passage: Luke 1:5–25
Theme: Waiting in Wonder

We learn from the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth that waiting in wonder ...
• Includes even the most faithful.
• Can be directed by God to reveal his glory to and through us.
• Comes with the assurance that God is at work.
• May produce doubts that God can accomplish his purposes.
• May require God’s chastening for our lack of faith.
• Will conclude with God doing what he has promised.

Main Idea: As we wait in wonder at what He is doing in our lives, we must rely on God even more.

Application Questions:
• What logical may lie behind the truth that God allows even his most faithful servants to have to wait on Him?
• What have you learned about God amid waiting on him in the past? What have you learned about yourself?
• Do you see yourself more in the example of Zechariah or Elizabeth from this passage? How so?
• Is doubting sin? How do you confront doubting in your own life as you seek to wait on God’s timing and working?
• What promises from God have given you reassurance that you can rely on Him?

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