
Other Sermons

Saved By Baptism? - 1 Peter 3:18-22

April 23, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • 1 Peter 3:18–22

This Sunday, we have some important business to take care of! What business is that? The business of baptism with a topical message on the subject from 1 Peter 3. After starting with my usual questions, we will investigate one area of scripture that offers some important information on the subject of baptism, especially for those who believe that sprinkling water on a baby or dunking someone in a body of water has some spiritual power to save. I know why some believe that. In 1 Peter 3, Peter says that baptism saves us! Yes, he really does! However, the apostle is quick to clarify what he means by that! Why do we practice baptism? What does it do? What does it mean?  Did you know that Jesus Himself got baptized? He really did! And so do those who want to follow Him! If you want to hear more then... ...COME AND SEE Steve

John 13

March 26, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • John 13

"Breaking Bread...and Something Else" - John 13 I will be taking advantage of the timing and our pause between books of the Bible to step into the gospel of John and prepare us for communion. I have been inescapably drawn to John 13. What one thing, if everyone lived it, would instantly change the way we experience church and family life? You said "love" didn't you. Of course that is true, but can we be more specific? Love is just too easy to say while it remaining a bit obscure. What type of expression of love? This will be the topic of discussion for tomorrow and will extend into our "Love Feast" tomorrow night. It's so important that Jesus gives a specific example and makes sure to explain it, roughly 12 hours before he would be crucified! If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what example would you want to leave for your children or those you were mentoring? What example did Jesus leave? There was more than bread that had to be broken around the table that evening. If you want to know the details... ...VIEW AND SEE Steve

James 1:19-25

January 1, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • James 1:19–25

HOW and WHY to READ THE BIBLE - James 1:19-25 In this new year, 2023, our vision as a church remains steadfast and unchanged. As pastor Chuck Smith has said, we are making our best effort to, "Simply teach the word of God....simply." On my end, the resolve for myself and the CCF leadership is to continue to bring to you the whole counsel of God's Word, book by book, and chapter by chapter. We are responsible to keep God's Word central. He promises to handle the results! What about you? Any resolutions? I hope tomorrow's sermon from James will be both challenging and inspiring as you think about 2023. I hope this sermon may be used by the Spirit of God to set our direction for the coming year and maybe, for some of you, for the rest of your lives. What is the challenge? If you want to know, you have to..... .....VIEW AND SEE! Steve

Bold Careless Confidence

August 22, 2021 • 2 Chronicles 20

Is God Speaking to You?

August 18, 2021 • Dave Blaha • 1 Corinthians 2:12

No doubt you have seen dogs stop and tilt their heads at new and strange sounds. Maybe its just me, but I find it fascinating and a little amusing as well. Some of you might say its cute, but I'm not claiming that, for the record! Have you ever been stopped in your tracks, wondering if something you are sensing is the Lord speaking? If you are a believer, probably so, and more than just a few times. The Spirit of God is the "rubber meets the road' touch point with our Father ... "What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so we may understand what God has freely given us." 1 Corinthians 2:12 Is God moving in your heart, or is it just your deceitful heart fooling you? Even Paul, who wrote the above, didn't trust himself! Come on out tonight and we can see together what the Lord has to say about this.

Personal Revival

August 8, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 12:12–17

"Personal Revival" - Hebrews 12:12-17 Fatigue, discouragement, difficulty, suffering. The picture of Hebrews 12 is that of a race -- not a sprint but a marathon. The race was familiar to the ancient world, and the challenges that the human body faces to complete it are enormous. I believe similar words apply to many of our lives. Are you feeling fatigued, depressed, or discouraged liken a marathon runner nearing the end of a long race? Have you wondered how you will go on? Do you connect with the picture above? Her posture tells her story. She is toast! You will meet that mystery runner in a brief video clip tomorrow as we open our bibles to Hebrews 12:12-17. The writer gives encouragement to believers who are struggling and suffering and tired. He wants them to experience a second wind, or a personal revival! If you need some encouragement then this will be an important message for you. Maybe you have forgotten why you are running or even where you are going and where the finish line is! Do you want to know more? Then..... http://....view and See Steve

Who Told You?

August 1, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden • Romans 10:1–15

This Sunday revolves around the official "send off" for Cory and Becky Coogan. After Covid delayed their plans, they are finally heading to Romania where they will work to get the message of God's grace to the deaf community. This will be their last Sunday with us. We will sing and spend time in Romans 10, thinking about the beautiful message of the Bible, and more importantly, the beautiful people who deliver it. Do you remember how you first heard about Jesus? Who told you? Was the news presented in a good way, or did you feel condemned? As we send Cory and Becky to the deaf community in Romania, it gives new meaning to the phrase, "faith comes by hearing". Hearing may not just be auditory, but the hearing of the mind and the heart! I pray you will be encouraged and moved and motivated as the Spirit of God works in our church family. Who knows? Will be moved or motivated personally in a new way? Maybe you will, maybe you won't. But you'll never know unless you... http://...view and see. Steve

Celebrate Baptism!

July 28, 2021 • Luke 15

In baptism we will celebrate the fact that heaven will be a little more crowded! We have the great experience of participating in the joy of the whole kingdom of God when a former enemy of God is now in peaceful relationship with God, through Jesus! The message will be brief and then we will head onto the back deck and patio where we will participate in a reminder that being a Christian is not simply about going to church, but being immersed into the life of Jesus. Total immersion is the picture, not just splashing around in the shallow end! http://so....view and see Steve

VBS Recap Service

July 18, 2021 • Pastor Tom Guthrie

Please join us for a very special message from our Children's Pastor, Tom Guthrie. Music will be performed by the children who attended VBS

Hebrews 10:19-25

July 11, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

There are two things that led me to the passage in Hebrews that we will look at. The first is that the people who know the Lord and have an understanding of things seem to agree that the time is short before Jesus returns. This is the event we are all anticipating. Jesus promised He would come again, and as we consider global tensions, global politics, and global economics, we believe it is soon! The second is that the events and attitudes and culture we are experiencing has a lot of people stirred up! Are you stirred up and stressed out about policies and pandemics and politics? What do you do with all of that? Being stirred up and anticipating the return of Christ come together in Hebrews 10! Although it is a well worn passage, I am praying it will be fresh in this season for our church and for you personally! I hope this is the most provocative sermon you will hear all year! What is it about? View and see! Steve

Communion Sunday - July 4th, 2021

July 4, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

It's July http://4....stop and Think! - Luke 14:25-33 Each year we get to celebrate and remember the 4th of July! I imagine some of us know what the Declaration of Independence is about. Many have probably never read it in total. It is a fascinating document! Let me ask my question. What is the most significant, and recent, purchase you have made? Did you labor over the cost? Did you wrestle to decide if you should pull the trigger? Is it really worth what you paid for it? We will take advantage of the day to celebrate communion together, and consider the cost of showing up at the table. There was a cost to the 56 men who showed up at the table to sign the Declaration of Independence. http://and.....there is a cost to all who show up at the table to dine with Jesus. But I thought salvation was a free gift? And you are correct. But even the blind man who receives his sight realizes that things are forever changed because now he can see. There is a cost to being deaf, and there is a cost to hearing. In a discussion Jesus has with the multitudes about really learning from Him, he makes sure to be honest about the cost of experiencing new life, freedom, and the Kingdom of God's love! What is that cost? Is it worth it? Only you can make that decision. Steve

The Blessing of a Full Family

April 11, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

We turn our eyes to Ephesians, now on Sunday mornings. There are no words to describe my excited anticipation to patiently and meticulously walk through a fresh study of "The Family". I can't think of a more important topic and a more important time to dig and see what God says about "family". It is no secret that this concept of the nuclear family has been at least misunderstood and at worst attacked and undermined. There is a great void of understanding about the existence, purpose, and structure of the family. Can I make a suggestion? Maybe tonight you and your family, or spouse, or even by yourself, can put pencil to paper and answer this question in one to two sentences: "What is the primary purpose of family?" Share ideas and if you are so inclined then see what you can find in your Bibles. Do a Google search. I have been preparing for Ephesians 5:22, which is where we had left off in our Wed night study of Ephesians. However, I believe it will be greatly beneficial to lay some ground work in Genesis 1-3. Maybe you will see things with fresh eyes! "Family", not workplace, is the basic building block of all human relations. Maybe the real issues are not primarily governmental, economic, medicinal, or educational. Maybe we are simply putting band-aids on the bigger issue. I suggest that getting the institution of "family" right is the key to every other human institution! Now is a great time to invite a relative, neighbor, friend, or co-worker who may be struggling to find the blessing of a full family! http://.....view and see! Steve

Acts 1

April 7, 2021 • Matt Basinger

Messiah in the Passover

March 28, 2021 • Dennis Karp

The Messiah in the Passover presentation is a powerful visual message not only of Israel's freedom from slavery in Egypt, but of the redemption of individuals from the bondage of sin through the atoning work of Jesus. The program is designed to give participants a deeper understanding both of Passover and of the Communion Table. Presented to Calvary Chapel Fluvanna by Dennis Karp, Director of the Mid-Atlantic Region of Chosen People Ministries. To learn more about Dennis, please use the button above.

CCF Family Devotional

February 7, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

Pre-recorded for Sunday (a "Snow Day") on 2/6/2021