
Personal Revival

August 8, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 12:12–17

"Personal Revival" - Hebrews 12:12-17

Fatigue, discouragement, difficulty, suffering. The picture of Hebrews 12 is that of a race -- not a sprint but a marathon. The race was familiar to the ancient world, and the challenges that the human body faces to complete it are enormous.

I believe similar words apply to many of our lives. Are you feeling fatigued, depressed, or discouraged liken a marathon runner nearing the end of a long race? Have you wondered how you will go on? Do you connect with the picture above? Her posture tells her story. She is toast!

You will meet that mystery runner in a brief video clip tomorrow as we open our bibles to Hebrews 12:12-17. The writer gives encouragement to believers who are struggling and suffering and tired. He wants them to experience a second wind, or a personal revival!

If you need some encouragement then this will be an important message for you. Maybe you have forgotten why you are running or even where you are going and where the finish line is! Do you want to know more? Then.....

....View and See


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