
Is God Speaking to You?

Dave Blaha

August 18, 2021 • Dave Blaha • 1 Corinthians 2:12

No doubt you have seen dogs stop and tilt their heads at new and strange sounds. Maybe its just me, but I find it fascinating and a little amusing as well. Some of you might say its cute, but I'm not claiming that, for the record!

Have you ever been stopped in your tracks, wondering if something you are sensing is the Lord speaking? If you are a believer, probably so, and more than just a few times.

The Spirit of God is the "rubber meets the road' touch point with our Father ...

"What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so we may understand what God has freely given us." 1 Corinthians 2:12

Is God moving in your heart, or is it just your deceitful heart fooling you? Even Paul, who wrote the above, didn't trust himself! Come on out tonight and we can see together what the Lord has to say about this.

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