
The Blessing of a Full Family

April 11, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

We turn our eyes to Ephesians, now on Sunday mornings. There are no words to describe my excited anticipation to patiently and meticulously walk through a fresh study of "The Family".

I can't think of a more important topic and a more important time to dig and see what God says about "family". It is no secret that this concept of the nuclear family has been at least misunderstood and at worst attacked and undermined. There is a great void of understanding about the existence, purpose, and structure of the family.

Can I make a suggestion? Maybe tonight you and your family, or spouse, or even by yourself, can put pencil to paper and answer this question in one to two sentences: "What is the primary purpose of family?" Share ideas and if you are so inclined then see what you can find in your Bibles. Do a Google search.

I have been preparing for Ephesians 5:22, which is where we had left off in our Wed night study of Ephesians. However, I believe it will be greatly beneficial to lay some ground work in Genesis 1-3. Maybe you will see things with fresh eyes!

"Family", not workplace, is the basic building block of all human relations. Maybe the real issues are not primarily governmental, economic, medicinal, or educational. Maybe we are simply putting band-aids on the bigger issue. I suggest that getting the institution of "family" right is the key to every other human institution!

Now is a great time to invite a relative, neighbor, friend, or co-worker who may be struggling to find the blessing of a full family!

.....View and see!


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