

Browse messages on various topics

This World is not our Home

September 20, 2023 • Pastor Warren McIvor

Warren McIvor - CCF Administrative Pastor Warren surrendered his life to Jesus in 1971 and has been involved in ministry one way or the other ever since. He has attended CCF since 2005 and came on staff originally to oversee outreach ministries and help with youth. As our church has grown Warren’s job has increasingly become one of administration and overseeing the day to day operations of the church.


Study of the "I AM" statements in John

Personal Revival

August 8, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 12:12–17

"Personal Revival" - Hebrews 12:12-17 Fatigue, discouragement, difficulty, suffering. The picture of Hebrews 12 is that of a race -- not a sprint but a marathon. The race was familiar to the ancient world, and the challenges that the human body faces to complete it are enormous. I believe similar words apply to many of our lives. Are you feeling fatigued, depressed, or discouraged liken a marathon runner nearing the end of a long race? Have you wondered how you will go on? Do you connect with the picture above? Her posture tells her story. She is toast! You will meet that mystery runner in a brief video clip tomorrow as we open our bibles to Hebrews 12:12-17. The writer gives encouragement to believers who are struggling and suffering and tired. He wants them to experience a second wind, or a personal revival! If you need some encouragement then this will be an important message for you. Maybe you have forgotten why you are running or even where you are going and where the finish line is! Do you want to know more? Then..... http://....view and See Steve

Gender Differences

May 12, 2021 • Dr. David Eckman

We have a very special guest speaker -- Dr David Eckman. He is a personal friend and a brilliant scholar and speaker. His expertise is in OT studies and he has taught Hebrew for 30 years! YET, his message is simple and practical and humorous! Dr. Eckman will take time to thoroughly explore God's plan in the relationship between man and woman. It's really an essential for every married couple! Do you want to hear an intriguing and practical exposition of Genesis 2? View and see.... Steve

Bold Careless Confidence

August 22, 2021 • 2 Chronicles 20

Life How God Intended

July 25, 2021 • Nick Lauterbach

A message brought by our former worship leader, Nick Lauterbach. Nick Lauterbach is a graduate of Calvary Chapel Bible College (CCBC) in Murrieta, CA. Nick was a part of CCF for many years and has contributed greatly to our music ministry with his talents and willingness to serve. His vision and purpose for the music ministry is to “Sing the glory of His name; make his praise glorious” (Psalm 66:2). We loved having him as our Music Ministry Director, and he has since moved to a teaching position in South Western Virginia.

The Blessing of a Full Family

April 11, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

We turn our eyes to Ephesians, now on Sunday mornings. There are no words to describe my excited anticipation to patiently and meticulously walk through a fresh study of "The Family". I can't think of a more important topic and a more important time to dig and see what God says about "family". It is no secret that this concept of the nuclear family has been at least misunderstood and at worst attacked and undermined. There is a great void of understanding about the existence, purpose, and structure of the family. Can I make a suggestion? Maybe tonight you and your family, or spouse, or even by yourself, can put pencil to paper and answer this question in one to two sentences: "What is the primary purpose of family?" Share ideas and if you are so inclined then see what you can find in your Bibles. Do a Google search. I have been preparing for Ephesians 5:22, which is where we had left off in our Wed night study of Ephesians. However, I believe it will be greatly beneficial to lay some ground work in Genesis 1-3. Maybe you will see things with fresh eyes! "Family", not workplace, is the basic building block of all human relations. Maybe the real issues are not primarily governmental, economic, medicinal, or educational. Maybe we are simply putting band-aids on the bigger issue. I suggest that getting the institution of "family" right is the key to every other human institution! Now is a great time to invite a relative, neighbor, friend, or co-worker who may be struggling to find the blessing of a full family! http://.....view and see! Steve

Personal Impact of the Word

January 28, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

This topical message from Pastor Steve Feden was delivered during a men’s conference at Calvary Chapel Farmville.

Who Told You?

August 1, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden • Romans 10:1–15

This Sunday revolves around the official "send off" for Cory and Becky Coogan. After Covid delayed their plans, they are finally heading to Romania where they will work to get the message of God's grace to the deaf community. This will be their last Sunday with us. We will sing and spend time in Romans 10, thinking about the beautiful message of the Bible, and more importantly, the beautiful people who deliver it. Do you remember how you first heard about Jesus? Who told you? Was the news presented in a good way, or did you feel condemned? As we send Cory and Becky to the deaf community in Romania, it gives new meaning to the phrase, "faith comes by hearing". Hearing may not just be auditory, but the hearing of the mind and the heart! I pray you will be encouraged and moved and motivated as the Spirit of God works in our church family. Who knows? Will be moved or motivated personally in a new way? Maybe you will, maybe you won't. But you'll never know unless you... http://...view and see. Steve

God is Faithful

December 27, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

We will take a break from Revelation for a time to think about the year to come, and what the Spirit of God might say to us. I think everyone will be glad to see 2020 in the record books as past history. But what about 2021? What will it be like? Will we see further economic and social ramifications from the issues of 2021? What impact will the Biden administration have on our country and our world? What will happen with vaccines? Racism? Gender issues? School? Censorship? Fake news? Ahhhhhhh! With so many uncertainties, how are we supposed to survive? Our minds can easily be taken down the rabbit hole as we scroll and listen and worry about the world we live in, the future for our children, and the future for our nation. I believe the Spirit of God is reminding me and you that God is faithful. When your kids listen to the conversation around the TV, is the message they get from you a clear message of trusting God's faithfulness? Do you pray or are you prone to complain? Are you struggling with escaping into substances to find relief? What does that say about God? I hope we can address some of these issues as we let the Spirit talk to us from 1 Cor 10. We live in a fallen world with lots of problems, but the greatest challenges are on the inside and not the outside. I am praying for hope and victory in 2021 no matter what happens, because God is faithful! VIEW AND SEE! Steve


October 4, 2015 • Pastor Steve Feden

On communion Sunday, Pastor Steve focuses in on the first few verses of Mark chapter 8 to share what it means to have the heart of compassion that Jesus had for the crowds. We looked at the impact of Christian compassion across the centuries and understood how we can build Christ-like compassion in our own lives.