
God is Faithful

December 27, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

We will take a break from Revelation for a time to think about the year to come, and what the Spirit of God might say to us.

I think everyone will be glad to see 2020 in the record books as past history. But what about 2021? What will it be like? Will we see further economic and social ramifications from the issues of 2021? What impact will the Biden administration have on our country and our world? What will happen with vaccines? Racism? Gender issues? School? Censorship? Fake news? Ahhhhhhh!

With so many uncertainties, how are we supposed to survive? Our minds can easily be taken down the rabbit hole as we scroll and listen and worry about the world we live in, the future for our children, and the future for our nation.

I believe the Spirit of God is reminding me and you that God is faithful. When your kids listen to the conversation around the TV, is the message they get from you a clear message of trusting God's faithfulness? Do you pray or are you prone to complain? Are you struggling with escaping into substances to find relief? What does that say about God?

I hope we can address some of these issues as we let the Spirit talk to us from 1 Cor 10. We live in a fallen world with lots of problems, but the greatest challenges are on the inside and not the outside. I am praying for hope and victory in 2021 no matter what happens, because God is faithful!



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