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Guest Speaker: Phillip Zhodiates

June 16, 2024 • Philip Zodhiates

Guest Spearker: Author, Philip Zodhiates Title: "Innocent: The Price One Man Paid for Doing What Is Right" On December 5th, 2018, an innocent man, who broke no laws, was incarcerated into a U.S. federal prison to begin a three-year prison sentence. His crime? As an act of compassion, he drove a distraught mother from Virginia to New York as she sought refuge for her young daughter whom she had learned was being sexually abused, and the courts refused to protect her daughter in the matter. After the drive, the mother and daughter disappeared, having left the country. Because the former partner was a lesbian and the mother was a former lesbian (now a converted Christian believer), the story received attention from the LGBTQ movement and was soon being portrayed as a hate crime against a homosexual. The FBI became involved and eventually tracked down Philip Zodhiates and a Mennonite pastor, both who were brought to trial and convicted of aiding and abetting an “international parental kidnapping” even though the mother and daughter had every right to leave the country according to the statute under which the men were convicted. During Philip’s 30-month incarceration, he wrote daily in a journal about life in prison. What began as a terrifying experience for this Christian husband, father, philanthropist, and businessman (the son of the well-known Hebrew/Greek Bible scholar, Spiros Zodhiates) became a journey of faith—not just for Philip but also for many of the inmates who met Philip and whose lives were changed forever. What could have been a collapse of faith for an innocent man—falsely accused of a crime he never committed and thrown into prison—turned into just the opposite for Philip. He had always cherished God’s Holy Word, but now it became his life line and the Holy Spirit his comfort and peace in a deeper way than ever before. Innocent not only tells the story of the injustice that took place in a country that has lost its moral foundation but is also a wake-up call that persecution may be right around the corner for those who are trying to do the right thing.

Take Up Your Cross

June 12, 2024 • Pastor Dave Blaha • Luke 14:25–35

Just over 80 years ago, men volunteered to embark on what General Eisenhower called the "Great Crusade." This photograph, taken on the evening of June 5 1944, is of the general speaking with platoon leader Wallace Strobel, age 22, and platoon leader in the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division. He was one of many thousands who would jump that night into occupied France ahead of the Normandy beach landings to take place the next morning. General Eisenhower finished his official order with the following: "Let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking." What does this have to do with Matthew 10:34-39? The only way to know is to view this evening and find out! Dave

Hebrews 9:15-28

June 9, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 9:15–28

"The Currency of Heaven" - Hebrews 9:15-28 If you have done any traveling overseas, you have had to ask the questions, "What currency is used there? and "Do I need to exchange any money?" If you want to do business in a foreign country, then you need the right currency. In Italy, the currency is the Euro dollar. Before we go, we have to exchange dollars for Euros. Why? Because I could not buy a cup of coffee with $100 US dollars because that is the wrong currency. Our US Dollars are absolutely useless - or valueless - in Europe. What is the currency of Heaven? What if someone wants to buy something from God? Does He do business in Euros or Yuan? Maybe He is into Bitcoin? I know....surely it's gold, right? If someone wanted to pay a debt to God, could I work off my debt? Could I exchange good deeds for freedom? Many people operate with this unfortunate expectation. But God is clear as to the currency of Heaven and what He is willing to accept for repayment of debt. It's not gold, or silver, or anything else we might see as precious or valuable. I guess the real question is, "What does God value? What does He accept as payment?" The Hebrews 9:15-28 text will give us the answer's to these questions....and more. If you want to know the exchange rate in Heaven, then you will need to..... ....VIEW and SEE Steve

The Prodigal Son

June 5, 2024 • Pastor Dave Blaha • Luke 15:11–32

Hebrews 9:1-14

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 9:1–14

"Deep Cleaning" - Heb. 9:1-14 In our last message we talked about hoarding -- saving things that are outdated, broken, or useless. This week we will discuss deep cleaning. Fact. Things get dirty. Our houses, cars, clothes, teeth, bodies, streets, and dishes, and neighborhoods! So we buy products and roll up our sleeves and get to work. It feels good to get something clean, but how long does it stay clean? That is the frustrating thing about it all. Despite our effort, the things we clean just get dirty again. Cleanliness is a never ending battle. Hebrews 9 addresses the human need for cleanliness. In fact, I will argue that the greatest human need is not better schools or more technology or greener energy or better healthcare. It is deep cleaning. If you are scratching your head and wondering how Heb. 9 can help address cleanliness, and how in the world cleanliness can be the greatest human need, then my plan is working! I hope you are curious enough to come out or tune in to see how this all works together. In fact, tomorrow could be the most important sermon I will ever preach, so please pray for me. And then, call or text a friend, co worker, neighbor, or relative and invite them with you to...... ....VIEW and SEE Steve

Job 20-22

May 29, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Job 20—22

"Letting God out of the 'Box'" - Job 20-22 Did you think I forgot about you? Of course not. Today was moving truck day for Helga's mom, so I have "boxes" on my mind. Moving boxes, and theological boxes! As we finish round two, and [Lord willing] move into round three of the dialogue between Job and his friends, we will hear from Zophar, Job, and then Eliphaz for a third time. I don't know about you, but I am so glad that when I was a young Christian, I was too naive to know what God was not supposed to be able to do! We were enjoying the Lord, embracing His Word, and watching Him do what people doubted could or would happen. I remember someone asking me as CCF was just getting started, "Can you start a church?" To which I replied, "I don't know, but we feel God moving us that way!" That along with countless other times when people said, "God won't do that....". I am so glad I never listened. Job's friends were stuck in a theological box. They put the "logical" in "theological". The only reason people suffer is as punishment for their wickedness. They were blinded by the need to fit God, and Job, into their comfy little "here's how we explain suffering" box. The problem was that their theology didn't match up with real life! Job is able to challenge that box and at least say, "I am pretty sure God let's the wicked prosper. And I am really, really sure the righteous suffer!" Is there a theological box that you have stuffed God in? Are there areas of blindness to what God really wants to do, but you are limited by your concept of God? If you think, maybe, its possible.....then.... ....VIEW.....AND......SEE! Steve

Hebrews 8:1-13

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 8

"Out with the old...." - Heb 8:1-13 Is it hard for you to throw things out? Are you a bit of a hoarder? Are there broken things around because you just can't let go of them? Or do you love garbage day? That feeling of getting rid of old, broken stuff and watching it disappear. Then you can make room for something new that functions better, is updated, or more useful. On this memorial day weekend, we will look into Hebrews 8 and "the new covenant". This is what Jesus spoke of during the last supper when He said, "This is My blood of the New Covenant." Our author gets his theology from Jeremiah 31. At the time when the Jews were experiencing the covenant breaking consequences of Babylonian exile, God tells them what His long range plan to be merciful and forgive them. But he doesn't mention how he will do it. What is the New Covenant? What was wrong with the old one? Why does it matter? How does God work it out to bless His people? Great truth awaits those who choose to.... ....COME and SEE Steve

Job 18-19

May 22, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Job 18, Job 19

"My Redeemer Lives!" - Job 18-19 Continuing in round two of the dialogues between Job and his friends, we hear again from Bildad. No surprises here. He is hard on Job, and certain that heaven is always "just" and Job is getting the payment due for his wickedness. Simple. End of story. Job, however, is not budging either! He has been "wronged" by both God and his friends. Job is desperate for someone to understand -- his tormented soul crying out for compassion! AND THEN....from the depths of discouragement Job makes a baffling and faith-filled statement of certainty. This was the passage for our Easter service this year, but we will spend a little more time there tonight! Who is this redeemer? How does Job expect to see him in the flesh after his skin is destroyed? This as more tonight in Job 18-19 if you... ....VIEW.....AND......SEE! Steve

Hebrews 7:20-8:1

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 7:20—8:1

"To the Uttermost" - Heb 7:20-8:1 We pick back up in Hebrews 7, but with a little less emphasis on Melchizadek and a little more emphasis on Jesus. But, now that we have made the connection, our author continues to drive home to his Jewish audience the need for and existence of a better high priest. It is as if the author knew the future as he spoke of these issues only a short time before Jerusalem would be destroyed by the Romans in 70ad. Interestingly, there has not been a high priest according to geneology since then! The precise issue spoke of in this chapter came true! All the while, Jesus remains, and will remain a high priest forever! As we finish chapter 7, there will be some wonderful little nuggets to chew on, including the quote that gives rise to the sermon title. Jesus saves, "from the guttermost to the uttermost!" If you know someone who has been in the "guttermost", then maybe you want to pick up the phone and invite them to.... ....VIEW and SEE Steve

Job 15-17

May 15, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Job 15—17

"Miserable Comforters" - Job 15-17 After a long break we will rejoin the dramatic dialogue in the book of Job, chapters 15-17. With chapter 15, we begin round 2 of the discussions. Eliphaz was the first to open his mouth to speak, with Bildad and Zophar following. Job has responded each time. The intensity continues to build as we are now back tp Eliphaz again. He has no new argument, but just restates the old argument with new zeal. Job's words of innocence just show how far he really is from God. "Bad things happen to bad people, Job. We all know that." Job responds with the pain of recognizing that his friends are "miserable comforters". Are you good at comforting people in distress? Or are you a "tough love" person. Is comfort just for weak people? How does our Heavenly Father feel about comforting His own children? The overview is here, but if you want the "blow by blow", then.... ....VIEW.....AND......SEE! Steve

Hebrews 7:1-28

May 12, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 7

"Do I Need A Priest to get me to God?" - Heb 7:1-28 I love the diversity of life and background we enjoy at CCFluvanna. That means that some of us have come from little or no church background while others may have come from a much more "liturgical" background, with priests and rituals and formalities. I think we can agree that tradition is powerful and what we are accustomed to is what feels "right". So, CCF may feel strange if you are accustomed to the presence of priests and rituals. In fact, you may even feel like we have a deficient experience because we don't have priests leading people through rituals. Are we missing something? Do we need the ministry of a priest to bring us into the presence of God? Hebrews 7 may help us to clear up some religious confusion. Do we need a priest? Yes, but not a human one! Jesus does for us what no religious or traditional priesthood could do, and Melchizadek will prove it! ...VIEW and SEE. Steve

The Double Life

May 8, 2024 • David Christian

Have you ever felt like you were two different people? DC comics has a character called two-face. Harvey Dent was a district attorney in Gotham City who was a good guy and an ally of Batman. That was before half of his face was scarred. After that he lost his sanity. He developed a split personality. As you follow him through the series you see the internal battle between good and evil. The further he got away from the accident he became more and more evil. He carried a coin with him all the time, using it to determine the fate of his victim. This was an illustration of two sides of the same coin. Christians can fall victim to living a double life, living with one foot in the kingdom of God and one in the world. The longer we live in this state, the more callous we get to the things of God. God has a better plan. Want to hear more? View and See. David Christian

What Jesus Offers

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Dave Blaha

Have you ever visited a restaurant and enjoyed bottomless fries? If you haven't, it is a must! This is a menu item in which they will bring you all the fries your heart desires. (or until it clogs up) In the book of John, Jesus uses the limited resources of food and water to contrast what the world has to offer as compared to what He has to offer. Do you ever feel that what Jesus has to offer seems to be unreachable? Does it ever seem that others have it better in that regard? If so, Jesus has answers for you. Pastor Dave


May 1, 2024 • Phil Day

The Goal for Every Christian

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Steve Austin • Philippians 3:7–14

"The Goal for EVERY Christian" - Philippians 3:5-14 Do you set goals for yourself? Some of us are goal setters and some of us aren't. Some goals we set are important and some... not so much. The Apostle Paul set ONE goal for himself that not only changed the rest of his life, but ultimately allowed him to hear Christ say to him, "Well done my good and faithful servant!" Will you hear those words from the Savior? How do we even know what God wants us to do to finish well? In Philippians 3, Paul reveals that the goal which guided his life could be the missing link that can keep many from reaching the goal of living a victorious Christian life. In today's message, Pastor Steve Austin will explain what is "The Goal for EVERY Christian." so, let us ... ...VIEW and SEE