
Mighty in Prayer, Part 5

January 15, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn back to Chronicles and pick up where we were this morning. We're trying to find ourselves here in this rendering of--oh! We have some Pittsburgh Steelers fans down here. I just happened to look up and see this. We're looking at the days of Hezekiah. To identify with the period, I think, is really easy. I don't think there has ever been a time that the church has paralleled a period of history, like the times of Isaiah and Jeremiah prior to the captivity, like it does today. The people were crying not only, "Peace and safety," but were also saying to the prophets, the seers, "Prophesy to us smooth things. Tell us what we want to hear. Tell us we're alright." That is really the spirit of this age that we're in.

Isaiah, and later, Jeremiah, stood and made proclamation of the judgment of the Lord. We need to realize that the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will deal with this generation just like He dealt with those. This time, however, the consequences are going to be greater because this is the day that the prophets had spoken of: the final judgment is at hand. Because of that, what is at stake is the eternal condition of each of these souls. The imminent return of the Lord is upon us, and I think we need to stir ourselves up with that and be excited about it. At the same time, we need to be sobered by it. In this age, the Great Whore that is so evident to us is not evident to those around us.

We were just talking about the vexation. It's strange. One of the reasons I wasn't in here, of all things, was that I was talking to the head of a referee association about our outreach through basketball from the other night and some of the confusion that came from all of that. One of the questions was about me calling and talking to the pastor of the ministry that we played. I have known the man since 1973. Someone asked me, "Do you think they would hear what you have to say?" I said, "Possibly, but often the reason there is a vexation in the people is because there is in the leadership." I say "possible." I'm not going to speak toward where Wendell is at this particular juncture. But I do know that in 1973, they wouldn't be using that form of evangelism. We're living in this age of the normative behavior of the Great Whore. In other words, the church being no different than the world but just using Christian vernacular and religious symbols...