
Mighty in Prayer, Part 1

January 4, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to Matthew, Chapter 9. We're starting this New Year and we've been looking back at the fruit of last year. The great visitation we had in the Spirit. Many of you were filled with the Holy Spirit; there were healings. We heard a lot of great testimonies. Then the Lord has just been stirring our hearts in these last couple of weeks to really just lift up our eyes and realize it's time for the sickle to be put in. Jesus is coming back, amen? You look around. This thing is winding down, praise God. I was just watching the Discovery Channel, and they were showing some of the new theories on the core of the planet. There were some bizarre and some others, but every one said it's running down. Some are saying it might have a thousand years left. As soon as this thing stops spinning, the magnetic forces that are coming and all of the different things that are holding radiation out--all of these different things. It's weary. It's running down, waiting its day of redemption. Even the earth, even the creation, is groaning waiting for that final redemption; praise God. We look around historically. For so many years, the prophets have spoken of the great king of the East rising up, and we've seen it just as a mass of people, but now we see the economic power of China. We see the dam that's being built over there that will dam up the Euphrates and the different things that will allow the prophecies to come to pass, as the king of the East comes over. We see the Euro and the United Europe that's being established. We wondered how in the world is everybody going to see these phenomena of the man of sin, but now we realize real-time cell phones. You can just watch TV on your cell phones in real-time--all over the World. Pretty soon everybody is going to have one of those stupid things. Oh, Lord! It's coming, and we're living in that day. It's obvious to us that we're living here in Sodom. We look at the church, and the love of many is waxing cold, and false prophets are arising in every area of life. You see the condition today of the professed church--no power, no purity. We just look up and say, "Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus."

There's a job to be done because He said, "Occupy until I come." Don't hide out, occupy. Be busy with trading is what that word means. Chuck was just saying, "Look what God has done here." It's exciting to look, and all of us have our testimonies of how we got here by the grace of God, amen? But somebody told us, and somebody told them and they told us. "Andrew findeth Peter and said, Come and see."...