
Mighty in Prayer, Part 3

January 8, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen. Let's turn to Chronicles; we want to pick up where we left off this morning.

One of the reasons we wanted to go back and look at the life of Hezekiah--we're going to be talking about building our prayer lives in preparation for the war that's at hand, being able to effectively move in the weaponry of God. Paul tells us in Ephesians that we're to put on the whole armor of God, praying. So this armor is prayer armor; it prepares us for battle. But as I was meditating about where we were going to go in this study on prayer and what was ahead--and we were talking about praying [to] the Lord of the harvest and truly believing that God would use us and supernaturally plant seed in the hearts of those that we encounter--we realize that there are going to be many other aspects of this war that's at hand.

When you study the life of Hezekiah, it's a very interesting thing. He faces many of the trials that you and I face in our lives. We find the onslaught of Sennacherib (who's almost like the antichrist, or Satan personified) and the mocking, the threats against the covenant people of God, the imminent destruction of their lives and their way of serving God. We're going to be facing that in the days to come. Hezekiah faced a great personal sickness, and we're going to be talking about the need, really, to see the power of God: signs and wonders, the ability to believe for the healing power that's ours through the redemptive work of Jesus. And we see that in the life of Hezekiah. We see the time of prosperity that he experienced, and as many of us live in that and should the Lord tarry, there's going to be a time here when it's still available to us. How do we live successfully in the midst of our prosperity?...