
Mighty in Prayer, Part 2

January 8, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

I was talking with someone yesterday up at the gym. He asked me a very interesting question; he said, "Has your Christian life always been a steady incline? Are you always just going up?" I just laughed and shared with them the basics: Of course, our lives are always in constant flux and cycling; we have highs, and we have lows. But my lows are higher, amen, and my highs are higher, praise God, as I come to the knowledge of God. But every one of us is growing, we've all experienced those different valleys and the mountaintops: the times of God's special visitation. But the good news is: the Lord's the same, amen? He doesn't change. When you feel low, God's the same; when you're high, God's the same. Don't worry about anything; just rest. When you're too high, He'll make you low, amen? And when you're low, He'll pick you up and strengthen you, and set your feet on a rock, praise God. So we just rejoice in that, and that there is peace in the times of our valleys. I was just sharing with him: Actually, right now, I'm at a very low time in my life. I'm under a lot of spiritual warfare and I'm battling, but that doesn't change the promises of God; it doesn't change anything I expect--the great power of hope, amen? You see, what I know is: God's always brought me through. That's what I know; that's what I rest in; that's why there's no panic. You just keep doing what you know to do, and for everything there is a season; there's a time to sow and a time to reap; there's a time for weeping and a time for rejoicing. Those would be good lyrics for a song, wouldn't they? So, we just thank God for all of His great promises, and we rest in those; and I encouraged our brother that, if we're not weary in well doing, in due season we will reap if we don't faint, praise God, and that's God's promise to us (Galatians 6:9).

Let's turn to Second Kings; we want to continue talking about the necessity of an effectual prayer life. We talked about the need for prayer as it pertains to evangelism, and we want to continue to emphasize that throughout this year--the need to let our light shine, to be the salt of the earth, to stir ourselves up and know and believe that if we go forth weeping bearing precious seed, we'll doubtless come again rejoicing, bringing the sheaves with us (Psalm 126:6). It's who we are as the ambassadors of Christ; we go out and are absolutely aware that we cannot help but speak of the things we've seen and heard (Acts 4:20); what we've heard in secret, the Scripture says, we'll declare them from the housetops (Matthew 10:27)...