
Mighty in Prayer, Part 4

January 11, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to 2 Chronicles. We'll pick back up where we were talking about Hezekiah. (I started to say let's turn to the book of Hezekiah! That's just one of those names that sticks, doesn't it?) This young man, Hezekiah, was right in the middle of a father and a son of wickedness and idolatry, and God raises up a generation for righteousness' sake. As we consider who this young man was and what was taking place in his life, there are a couple of things that we have to understand. We can't take any credit and boast in ourselves for what God is doing in our midst. Much of what happens in the life of Hezekiah, as well as in our lives, is the sovereignty of God.

Now, though God is sovereign He is no respecter of persons. God is sovereign. He's not willing that any would perish, amen? His grace is available to all, but in His sovereignty there are certain things He does that will manifest His will. He will dictate to His creation His eternal purposes. Now, in His foreknowledge He knows before who will hear. While we were formed in our mother's womb God had separated us. Can you say, "Praise God!" for that? This is something that the Lord has seen. He's given us opportunity. With all that we've done, God orchestrates our steps to get us where we are today; just so thankful for His mercy!

Now, those who have rejected Him--God knew that they were going to reject Him, but He's able to work all things together for good, Romans 8 tells us. In God's great wisdom, in His genius, in His sovereignty, at His time, He raises up and He brings down. He brings men to thrones, like He did Pharaoh, that He might harden his heart to show Himself strong and mighty. Now, did God sovereignly dictate that Pharaoh would be lost? No, he knew the stoutness of this man's heart and the stiffness of his neck so He said, "I'll use him for My glory. I'll put him in a position of power so I can bring him down." That's the God we serve...