
Two Become One, Part 1

July 5, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

So let's go to Genesis and we'll see what happens. In that particular foundational principle, we see, then, that it's natural for there to be an attraction, for there to be relationships, none wanting to be alone. So what's the biblical order and what are the guidelines that lead to this particular phenomenon of two becoming one, because that's really what we're talking about-how do two become one? That's the end of relationships: two becoming one. The pursuit, the covenant, the union that is spiritual, and evidenced in the physical, for the purpose of being able to bring glory to God, because two are better than one.

Now, in Genesis we find the Lord speaking to us. Look at Genesis, Chapter 2; we'll pick this up. Following the admonition, the verses that we've been teaching on for two years or more in so many different ways, about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil versus the tree of life-following those verses you read this in verse 18, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone . . . " I'm pausing for some of you men to say [the men in the congregation say "Amen"] and some of you ladies to say "It's about time"-I mean "Amen." "It's not good for man to be alone." I want you to catch this phrase and let it speak to you in the spirit. " . . . God said [this is God], It's not good that the man should be alone . . . " You've heard the will of God, and yet like everything, if we're walking in the flesh, we take things into our own hands. We want to control it, we want to manipulate, we want to know, we want to plan, we have an agenda, and that's why we mess up so often and are never able to really arrive at spiritual relationships, life in the spirit, and God's best for us.

I heard such a sad statement, some statistics, just the other day on Father's Day. It said that 50 percent of our homes in America, on Father's Day, have no male figure in the homes at this particular time. And of those that do, 70 percent are not the original male figure of the home. That's a sad commentary on where we've come-man's way...